
What people have to say about TortoiseSVN:

TortoiseSVN won the SourceForge.net community choice award 2007 in the category "Best Tool or Utility for Developers: The project most likely to help you make the best of your precious coding time".

Craig Schroeder from Thomson.com:

I work as a Systems Analyst (i.e. requirements procurement/management) for a $1.8 billion (US est.) education media conglomerate at the corporate level. Only one systems analysis group at one of our business units (~$400 million US) has adopted T/SVN as of yet. I was part of this group at the time and was tasked with researching version control and requirements management tools for adoption.

I chose T/SVN for the following reasons:
1. Directory/Whole Repository versioning.
2. Efficient resource usage (cost, network).
3. Excellent and extensive documentation.
4. Covered requirements for our needs (we had several solutions hanging around that were unsatisfactory for one reason or another including ClearCase, Documentum, and more).

I chose TSVN for the following additional reasons:
1. Ease of use.
2. Mailing list quality (have even participated at times).
3. An extremely low (and sometimes negative!) ATITSTFAB.
4. Word doc diff script included.

There are 10 people with r/w access to a repository that contains ~500 .doc & .xls files that make up the requirements and configuration documents for one particular content delivery platform. I also use it for my personal PHP application development. We have used every access protocol except svn+ssh and https. Currently we are preparing to migrate from svn to http to make use of SSPI authentication (a huge plus).

I fully expect to extend T/SVN across all business units for systems analysis and we expect the Java web application development team for the aforementioned business unit to migrate from CVS to SVN as soon as they get time, allowing us to store requirements and code in the same place.

As for issues with TSVN, we don't really have any. In short, I'm a huge advocate for TSVN and feel like this is one of the cleanest, most well run open source projects available.

Michal Niklas from heuthes.pl:

I'm one of about 20 developers who work on various projects ranging from GUI clients to integration with telephones (PBX). Our projects are mainly varius text source files (Delphi, HTML, XML, JavaScript, Java, Python etc) and number of source files per project is from 20 to >1500.

We have used CVS but there were many problems with this. Especially if you work on Windows and try to compile on Linux, and Delphi IDE sometimes changes case in your library filename :( In svn there is less problems because of pre-commit hook. It is also easier to use repository. Simple CGI program can show links to repositories. In CSV it is much harder. We use https protocol. I have also created Trac environments (see http://trac.edgewall.org/) for bigger projects. So much on svn .

I like TSVN because it integrates with Windows shell. We use TotalCommander and it co-operates very well with TSVN. With CVS we used WinCvs, but it was much harder to use. TortoiseCVS was better, but problems with CVS lead us to Subversion+TSVN.

Things I like in TSVN:
+ integration works very well with TotalCommander
+ nice commit dialog where I can sort by extension (not possible in WinCVS)
+ integrated spellchecker (even for my language: Polish)
+ very good and really fast support on TSVNdev list

Eric Hanchrow from VoteHere writes:

I use TortoiseSVN both at work, and generally -- I keep my home directory under Subversion and on Windows I use TortoiseSVN to keep local copies up to date (since I use many different machines, and really really want all my goodies present on each -- see http://www.onlamp.com/pu...svn_homedir.html for a whole essay about this).

At work, there are perhaps 10 people who use svn at all; I'd guess at least half use TortoiseSVN. As you might guess, many of those people are uncomfortable with the Windows command line; I wouldn't be surprised if a few didn't even know it existed.

For accessing my home machine, I use svn+ssh, since I don't want to expose my home machine to any other server besides SSH (well, I guess I could use svn over http, but I'm too lazy to learn how to configure Apache). As far as I know, TortoiseSVN is the only Windows svn client that doesn't need anything extra installed to use svn+ssh, since it comes with TortoisePlink. (However, I still use pageant, and can't imagine anyone not using it).

I've tried every svn GUI client out there. There really is no comparison: TortoiseSVN is brilliantly designed; the UI is smooth and _almost_ intuitive; it's _maintained_; you can talk to the developers; it's the opposite of abandonware ... more incoherent ranting about the
failings of every other GUI client can be found at http://docs.google.com/...6pxbq

Alexander Klenin from Insight Experts Ltd.:

I work at a small Russian software development company, we have about two dozen programmers and a few non-programmers (managers, marketing etc.) all using TSVN quite successfully. Our repository predominantly contains code, but have some binary files like Word documents, graphics etc. The policy is to discourage such files.

Our projects are of moderate size, usually 500 to 2000 files, 10 to 100 Mb total size per project. All projects are located in a common repository, with many files svn-copied between projects. Whole setup works very well in both performance and reliability.

We were using ClearCase before... need I say more? TortoiseSVN is far better in every aspect.

Almost everything which I do not like is not TSVN's, but Subversion's fault. I think SVN+TSVN is the ultimate in evolution of centralized version control systems, and the only reason to abandon them is moving to a distributed development.

Ivan Cenov:

My job is to construct and code firmware for the electronic devices that our company produces. These projects are not so big, but are many. Many years I used well known winzip to maintain version control and was successful in this .... but while the project count was small.

Then this became impossible and I began to search for version control system. I did know about CVS and also have read that SVN is its successor. So I chose SVN. Well, I did read documentation and the SVN book, I liked it, but what I hate is the long command lines. So, I took the final decision for SVN after I did found GUI client. I find TSVN very intuitive with very quick access to all commands. Without GUI client it will take more time to enter in the SVN itself.

Other thing that I use is bugtracking system Flyspray. I managed to integrate TSVN with Flyspray. Now I have better, better control over the software process. It sometimes happens to update several projects in day and I do not lose the control. And at last I use blog system Serendipity to write the chronology of my projects.