StExBar 1.6

StExBar got a new version!

A lot of small improvements and a bigger change got into this new version.
The change is how the edit box behaves when not in command line mode. In previous versions, a text entered in the box would select the files/folders that match the entered text in the current view. Now, instead of selecting them, it filters them, i.e., all files/folders that do not match the entered string are removed from the view.
For example, if you enter "meeting" in the edit box, all files which don't have that string in their name will get removed, only files like "meeting-oct.doc", "old_meeting.doc", ... are still shown.

This makes it much easier to find a specific file if you have a lot of files in one folder.

The issues solved since the last version:
15, 24, 29, 33, 30, 28, 26, 32, 37, 31.

StExBar is available from our tools page: