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A small collection of tools and utilities

Stefan's tools

You can find here a part of my collection of tools I've written.

grepWin 1.3.2 released

grepWin, the small but powerful regular expression search tool got a few bugfixes.

You can get it from it's project page

The list of changes:

  • Issue #42: Program crashing when searching deep directory trees on Windows
  • Issue #39: Search button replaces

grepWin 1.3.1 released

grepWin, the small but powerful regular expression search tool got quite a few improvements and bugfixes.

You can get it from it's project page

The list of changes:

  • Issue #20: Enhancements to interface
  • Issue #16: Pl provide About/ Version No. somwhere
  • Issue #22: Directory shell extension doesn't work in Vista
  • Issue #25: Enhancement: Replace / Search buttons
  • Issue #24: Regex / Text search strange behaviour
  • Issue #21: Allow Maximization of the window
  • Issue #15: Feature request: The installer should remember the path of a previous installation
  • Issue #30: Status line cropped in GUI
  • Issue #27: Feature request: drag and drop support from results panel
  • Issue #14: Feature request: Result file list right click menu "Open Containing Folder"
  • Issue #32: Duplicate Replace Button
  • Issue #37: "Include system folders" should read "Include system items"
  • Issue #28: Remember last window position
  • Issue #35: Feature Request - extra radio button for "Regex Search and Replace"
  • Issue #36: Cannot clear entries from the filename drop-down list

CommitMonitor 1.4

A new version of the CommitMonitor is available.

Apart from some minor bugfixes, new features include:

  • ability to ignore a list of users (issue #92)
  • ability to run a custom action after a new commit is detected (issue #7)
  • ability to open an url for a selected revision, for example to open some review tools (issue #94)

StExBar 1.6

StExBar got a new version!

A lot of small improvements and a bigger change got into this new version.
The change is how the edit box behaves when not in command line mode. In previous versions, a text entered in the box would select the files/folders that match the entered text in the current view. Now, instead of selecting them, it filters them, i.e., all files/folders that do not match the entered string are removed from the view.
For example, if you enter "meeting" in the edit box, all files which don't have that string in their name will get removed, only files like "meeting-oct.doc", "old_meeting.doc", ... are still shown.

This makes it much easier to find a specific file if you have a lot of files in one folder.

The issues solved since the last version:
15, 24, 29, 33, 30, 28, 26, 32, 37, 31

grepWin 1.3.0

grepWin version 1.3.0 has been released.
Get it from the download page.

The changes this time:

  • Show confirmation dialog when replace is called but the "create backup" option is disabled
  • Fixed some resizing problems
  • The following issues have been implemented/fixed:

CommitMonitor 1.3.0

A new version of the CommitMonitor is out.
It contains some bugfixes and also some new features.

You can get it from our Tools download page. The changelog is also available at the bottom of the download page.

SkTimeStamp 1.2

A new version of SkTimeStamp has been released.

The new release has issue #10 fixed.

You can get the new version from the download page.

StExBar and SkTimeStamp for x64

Both the StExBar and the SkTimeStamp extensions are now available for x64 OS. So if you're using a 64-bit Windows, grab the new versions!

If you're using a 32-bit Windows, you should also get the new versions because I fixed some small bugs there too.

CommitMonitor 1.2.0

Together with Subversion 1.5.0, the CommitMonitor also got an update.

The changelog:

  • linked against Subversion 1.5.0
  • Instead of showing a unified diff, the CommitMonitor can use TortoiseSVN to show the differences (of course only if TortoiseSVN is installed)

Another littlle tool

A new addition to our tools site: SKTimeStamp.

SKTimeStamp is a very little shell extension which adds a new page to the Explorer properties dialog to let you change the file/folder dates and times.

See the description on its page: SKTimeStamp.

Oh, and before I forget: the StExBar also got an update!

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