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Summary A compelling replacement for CVS
Category scm
License CollabNet/Tigris.org Apache-style license
Owner(s) svn

Subversion is an open source version control system.
See here for a detailed feature list.

Get Subversion

The latest release of Subversion is 1.5.5. See the release notes for what's new in the 1.5.x series generally.

Subversion Third-Party Clients


In addition to the resources below, you can use an Internet search engine to find answers to Subversion questions. For example, if you got an error message, try entering part of the error into a search engine — often, the first few results will contain the answer you're looking for.

Report a Problem

To report a bug:

First, please read the bug report instructions.

Then, please read the bug report instructions.

Finally, please read the bug report instructions.

We really mean that — please read the instructions all the way through. The vast majority of bug reports are insufficiently detailed, or are duplicates of existing reports, or are not bugs, or are already fixed. You can save the maintainers a lot of time by following the instructions carefully. Thank you.


Subversion is an open source project; we welcome patches, and we'll help you get more involved if you want to be.