ZigVersion : Subversion Made Easy

ZigVersion is an easy to use interface for Subversion, a popular open source version control system. Instead of simply reproducing the command line concepts as a graphical interface, we looked at the typical workflows of professional programmers and designed an interface around them.

Introduction to ZigVersion Movie


License ZigVersion

A quick review of some of the features in ZigVersion 1.2:

  • *NEW* Revision Viewer to easily browse revisions for a file or directory
  • Review and Check In your changes in a single step.
  • Easily browse repository and working copies in a single view.
  • Limit your view to only changing files.
  • Does not require the command line subversion client.
  • Easy drag and drop usage for many commands.
  • Browse the history of a file, and view differences between revisions.
  • Quick access to frequently used subversion commands.
  • Instant notification of changes to a file's contents or subversion status, including out of date status.
  • Quick access to recently used repositories.
  • Browse multiple repositories at once.

If you have any problems with ZigVersion, please contact us at support@zigzig.com.