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Postby zeta1600 on Sun Aug 19, 2007 05:02

I've learned a lot trying to use phpwcms. It's a great scripts. There are more things I want to do. Wish I knew php more. I know it can do much more.

But, for now would like to get your opinion. Please be kind... :?

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Postby Mr.Flash on Sun Aug 19, 2007 09:53

very nice simple design!
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Postby schmidtjr on Mon Aug 20, 2007 06:38

Nice simple Design.

But I don't know if you wanted it exactly this way or if it's a little bug.
The Backgroundcolor of your Site is #E3EFF1, but the Background of your images is #DBEAED which propably should be the same color, or? This is often happening because Browsers do not display all colors correct.

Kind regards, iche
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Postby Fulvio Romanin on Mon Aug 20, 2007 08:18

i don't know about your place, but actually the o with a cross in italy is called "celtic cross" and is very often associated with extreme right / fascist movements. As long as this is a choice i understand, but not all customers might like such symbol ... :| :)

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Postby hulkie on Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:34

I like the simple design!
Maybe optimize the picture printer-catalogs.png a little, 250k is too large.
Maybe you could replace the black standard bullets in the list with some graphical ones.. would look nicer, don't you think?
I would rework the 'celtic cross' - as Fulvio outlined. It's not worth it, to risk negative feelings because of that.
br, christian
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Postby zeta1600 on Wed Aug 29, 2007 23:11

Oh my... I just now got to see your responses...

Thanks to all...

schmidtjr: the colors look fine on my browser, what browser and version are you using?

Fulvio Romanin: I had no idea that that image might be offensive. Facist I am not. In fact I am an asian-american. That's funny. The image is actually called a registration mark in the printing industry. At least here in the US. If I have offended anyone, please accept my apologies... Is it the angled cross on the background (upper left)? Or the cross on the logo Printoria? If it's the logo... hmmm. I will have to do a lot of thinking. Fortunately, this is a fairly common graphic to my target audience...

hulkie: I will definitely consider the bullet thing.

Anyone else?
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Postby DeXXus on Thu Aug 30, 2007 00:11

zeta1600 wrote:Anyone else?
LOL! Okay...here's the browser "presentational" differences

Image <----IE6.0.2900.2180.

Image <----Opera 9.23

Image <----FF / IE7
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Postby zeta1600 on Thu Aug 30, 2007 00:44

Ew. That's ugly on IE6. I guess that's what happens to png files. It looked OK on IE7 though.
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Postby DeXXus on Thu Aug 30, 2007 00:45

Yeah...and Opera is always a bear with these kinda things. :wink:
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Postby schmidtjr on Thu Aug 30, 2007 06:46

hi zeta

I attached a Screenshot of how it looks like on my browser.
This screen was captured on IE 6.
Did you use transparent PNGs? They are not working very well in old browsers. For These simple graphics on the left and the printoria logo you can use the GIF format. It's transparency works on every browser and if you prepare a good pallette it's smaller than png.

ok, that's all I've to say :)
here's the image:
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Postby claus on Thu Aug 30, 2007 07:18

There is a switch for IE6 in your conf.inc.php where you should be able to handle transparent pngs in IE6 (inserted as <img src....>
For the background pngs in IE6 you could use the alphaimageloader (as long as they are not positioned but placed in the left upper corner like this:
Code: Select all
.transparent-logo { /*your container (class or id*/
   background-image:none; /*switch off the previously defined bg for ie*/
   filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='../website/logo-trans.png', sizingMethod='crop'); /*path should be relative to css, if I remember it right*/
   height: 50px;
   background-repeat: no-repeat;
   /*background-position: right top;*/
   border-top: 1px solid #111111;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #111111;
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Postby zeta1600 on Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:38

schmidtjr: Thanks for that ugly image... :D That's terrible. I use photoshop to create gifs, and the quality just isn't great, or I'm not doing it right. Should i be using another gif generator?

claus: Thanks for the code. I knew there was a fix for that somehow. I'll try to put it in tonight. What about a transparent png inside a table. I have a transparent inside a table. You can see it in the image in FF that DeXXus shows above surrounding the text and catalog pictures. Is there a fix for that? Or can I use part of the code for that?

Also, I was wondering why do many of you still have IE6? I was just wondering the reasoning behind why users didn't upgrade?

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Postby claus on Thu Aug 30, 2007 16:25

As long as you are inserting images via direct input i.e. <img src="...> the transparencies are handled by the tool of phpwcms (iepngfix.htc, I think is it's name, to be switced on / off by conf.inc.php).
for background images styled via css style sheet you use the alphaimageloader...
btw my css from above is incomplete: it is missing a leading
Code: Select all
* html .transparent-logo { ...
for IE6 :oops: and should be set either in your standard css file or a special one (to be called afterwards then...), there is a prepared one in the "specific" folder (template/inc_css/specific)
There is a file pngbehavior.htc (for the alphaimageloader deal) also, but I haven't used it yet
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Postby zeta1600 on Sat Sep 01, 2007 13:23

OK, I switch in config file "IE_htc_png" to 1. Can any of you with IE 6 look and see if the pngs are now showing correctly?

By the way Claus, does the image loader code above go on the header or body. Just wondering...

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Postby claus on Sat Sep 01, 2007 16:39

It goes into your css file... :!:
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