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Postby zeta1600 on Sat Sep 22, 2007 04:33

Boy, i just can not figure out that IE6 issue. I tried this:
http://bjorkoy.com/past/2007/4/8/the_ea ... ay_to_png/

But, I can't get it to work either. I've added this to my css:
img, div, body { behavior: url("http://www.printoria.com/iepngfix.htc") }
Uploaded the blank.gif and still no go...

Has anyone used this? Or maybe guide me a little more with the ImageLoader?


By the way, I don't have IE6. So, if you have a png and want to see it on IE6, check your site here: http://ipinfo.info/netrenderer/
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Postby DeXXus on Sat Sep 22, 2007 06:34

Maybe you should be applying this fix to the enclosing <TH scope=col>PNG images</TH> tags instead? Dunno...
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Postby claus on Sat Sep 22, 2007 09:09

have you tried :

#header { background:url(header.png); }
#header { behavior: url(iepngfix.htc); }
all together? The fix should be able to get knowledge of what to fix :?:

To get the path to blank.gif seems to be a little bit tricky...
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Postby claus on Sun Sep 23, 2007 17:30

OK, here we go:
in your ie_only.css:
Code: Select all
* { behavior: url(template/inc_css/specific/iepngfix.htc); }
a {
position: relative;

in your iepngfix.htc
Code: Select all
// This must be a path to a blank image, relative to the HTML document(s).
// In production use I suggest '/images/blank.gif' or similar. That's all!
if (typeof blankImg == 'undefined') var blankImg = 'blank.gif';

blank.gif is located within the same folder as iepngfix.htc...

in your phpwcms template you'd like to put the following
Code: Select all
<!--[if lte IE 7]>
    <style type="text/css">@import url(template/inc_css/specific/ie_only.css);</style>

into the html head section

If everything goes well, you now should be able to see your background transparencies - especially in IE6
Disadvantage of this method: links in child elements of positioned elements aren't clickable anymore :(

Possibly a workaround: Restyle all your elements within ie_only.css or try not to use the iepngfix.htc, but style all your transparencies for IE6 within your ie_only.css similar to this:
Code: Select all
a {
position: relative;
header {
    background-image: none;
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='path/to/header.png', sizingMethod='crop');
/*path should be relative to css, if I remember it right*/
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Postby zeta1600 on Thu Nov 22, 2007 04:58

It's been awhile since i've visited here. I thought I would share the following png IE image loaded fix... It's the easiest one i've found... though I haven't implemented it on my wcms site.


hope this will help someone...
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Postby claus on Thu Nov 22, 2007 07:40

zeta1600 wrote:It's been awhile since i've visited here. I thought I would share the following png IE image loaded fix... It's the easiest one i've found... though I haven't implemented it on my wcms site.


hope this will help someone...

But remember that this solution is applied to img src only, not to bg images (as far as I can remember)
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Postby zeta1600 on Fri Nov 23, 2007 04:01

claus... you were right again... i went back to the site below, and they have a very easy update on doing this using css... check it out.

http://bjorkoy.com/past/2007/4/8/the_ea ... ay_to_png/
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