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Welcome to Free Software Foundation of India!

Free Software is a matter of freedom, not cost. It is a matter of liberty, not price. The word `free'  in  Free Software has a similar meaning as in  free speech, free people  and  free country  and should not be confused with its other meaning associated with zero-cost. Think of Free Software as software which is free of encumbrances, not necessarily free of cost. Think of it as delete: insert: swatantra software.

FSF India is a non-profit organisation committed to advocating, promoting and propagating the use and development of swatantra software in India. Our goal is to ensure the long term adoption of Free Software, and aim for the day when all software will be free. This includes educating people about software freedom and convincing them that it is the freedom that matters. We regard non-free software as a problem to be solved, not as a solution to any problem.
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