Update phpwcms

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Re: Update phpwcms

Postby santscho on Tue Jan 27, 2009 09:25

Why are you guys "copy" the filearchive on the server again and have the risk of getting the wrong permissions for your files?

- just keep the old "filearchive" on the server. you don't need to replace it with the "filearchive" folder of the new phpwcms version.

Thank you for your instructions.
Schon Konfuzius sagte: "Sei kein YAML-Lappen". YAML-phpwcms-Integration auf http://www.yaml.phpwcms.org
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Re: Update phpwcms

Postby Jensensen on Wed Jan 28, 2009 02:32

no instructions but suggestions:

Hi santscho,

you're right somehow! But keep in mind that these file(name)s are restored in the --> database ==> that is moving, changing.

These files MUST be recoverable [recognized by the system] even on the --> "new" location. But WHAT IS THE NEW "location"???

It can be ---> that much!!!¿ (same dir, new dir, new server, new host...)

santscho wrote:... just keep the old "filearchive" on the server ...

THIS WOULD MEAN* --> WORKING, running the update ==> HOT risky, dangerous, hazardous ==> ON THE public ==> LIVE SERVER. {am i right?}

And YES, this is one reason, why [denglish: every update of phpwcms is anything BUT NOT convenient] updating "phpwcms" cannot easily be done.

[yes we can and you can do also ==> with the r_xyz dev's we got since one year (diff's drüberbügeln = override diff's)]
But you aren't a gambling gambler --> 'Hasardeur', aren't you?

In brief: same server/same dir == no backup == no way for retreat/recover/rescue == leave as is {full ack}
==> plain || overridden

* btw. it depends on your web hosters' services / qualities / SLA's / capabilities whether you are able to move/copy/restore directories [keeping even r/w chmod settings] or not.

I still tend to agree, but then the way back [! last rescue ¿] will be more difficult, i think, don't you?
wann tötensen den jensensen?
[another seo experiment]
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