News tutorial

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News tutorial

Postby 360fusion on Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:01


I have just downloaded a trial version of Camtasia and have created a quick video tutorial of how i create a news section on a phpwcms website. (1.3.9 onwards)

sorry if I don't sound very upbeat or clearer but it was my first attempt and I did it without a script or practice. I'll do some more tutorials and work on my scripts if people like this one.

I will host it on this link for a while and see how it affects my bandwidth.

You may also be interested in this page for the template and css.


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Re: News tutorial

Postby claus on Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:14

Simply great! Even me can understand it now :)
Thank you - as far as I'm concerned: you may go ahead doing some more :lol: :!:
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Re: News tutorial

Postby Pappnase on Mon Jun 16, 2008 13:04


nice ... if camtasia would not b so expencive ...;-)
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Re: News tutorial

Postby DF6IH on Mon Jun 16, 2008 13:15

PERFECT Ben! --> playing 304
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Re: News tutorial

Postby zuker on Mon Jun 16, 2008 13:54

Brilliant! We need more such tutorials. Is it possible to get this movie for download?
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Re: News tutorial

Postby DF6IH on Mon Jun 16, 2008 14:13

360fusion wrote:sorry if I don't sound very upbeat or clearer but it was my first attempt and I did it without a script or practice. I'll do some more tutorials and work on my scripts if people like this one.

That sounds brillant for a german who normally talks to american on ham radio ;) --> playing 304
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Re: News tutorial

Postby Toflar on Tue Jun 17, 2008 06:49

Pappnase wrote:hello

nice ... if camtasia would not b so expencive ...;-)

Solution as usually: OpenSource (never used, but google is my best friend and should be yours too :D )
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Re: News tutorial

Postby 360fusion on Tue Jun 17, 2008 07:27

Thanks to everyone for there positive feedback. I will start to make some more over the next few days. I have 28 days before the Camtasia trail runs out.

zuker wrote:Brilliant! We need more such tutorials. Is it possible to get this movie for download?

I'll find some space to upload a zip file too. this is a 30meg file so it could use up a lot of my bandwidth if a lot of people are downloading it. Do you know of any free space that is good for sharing large files?

Toflar wrote:Solution as usually: OpenSource

I tried this one first. It just didn't have the same functionality or export in as a nice format. Pitty really.

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Re: News tutorial

Postby DF6IH on Tue Jun 17, 2008 07:46

360fusion wrote:I'll find some space to upload a zip file too.

You found ;) pse pm me, I'll give you FTP access... --> playing 304
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Re: News tutorial

Postby claus on Tue Jun 17, 2008 08:02

if they are throttling his traffic, I'll be there to back it up :lol:
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Re: News tutorial

Postby Toflar on Tue Jun 17, 2008 08:49

Hmm sounds like a new website-project for vid-tutorials...

Personally I'm really pleased about this community and the phpwcms-project itself, so I would like to plead for the phpwcms and make it more known and better documented.

Some vid-tutorials are a good idea and I would like to support wherever I can (Design, Hosting, Publicity)...

This is merely to get the ball rolling :D
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Re: News tutorial

Postby DF6IH on Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:02

claus wrote:if they are throttling his traffic, I'll be there to back it up :lol:

you could do ? 3x 100 Mbit/s on 1 Terrabytes disc space ... nowadays thats normal .. BUT ENOUGH :mrgreen: for the thousands and millions of phpwcms users --> playing 304
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Re: News tutorial

Postby claus on Tue Jun 17, 2008 13:23

I did a quick test and must say - sufficient at least :)
(you have to set up your nic and phones in the right way to get a nicely sounding voice
I will try some more myself - who knows, perhaps I'm the upcoming radio star? Or cutting short going to hollywood straigh ahead :lol:
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Re: News tutorial

Postby jscholtysik on Tue Jun 17, 2008 13:40

Hi Ben,

try also Wink at

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Re: News tutorial

Postby markus s on Tue Jun 17, 2008 17:11

very impressive !
and - nice to "hear" the voice behind 360fusion...
my questions are:
how does the pagination work ? and the "entry per site" ?
and how do i use the "apply priorization" ?
how could i add more cp`s in the newssection ? for example to add an gallery or something...
sorry - but this my favorite cp at the moment... :?
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