Looking for help.

If you have created additional (non official) documentation or tutorials or something like that please post this here

Looking for help.

Postby Solipsist on Tue May 20, 2008 21:12


I run a reseller account and basically what I am trying to do is create a website template using a content manager that my customers can use to edit thier site themselves. I will describe in as much detail as I can what I want and the answers I am looking for are is it possible to do this with PHPWCMS and how?

Picture a simple website template - Header - Links below header - Left and Right Side Bar for 3 images each side - Content - Footer
I would like to somehow make the Header Links Left and Right Side and Footer Static so they cannot be edited and then the content the only area that can be edited for example if my customer had a news page they could update often with ease by simply adding another article pushing the old articles (5-10) down and then all the articles after the tenth being removed.

Thank you in advance,
Corey Ward.
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue May 20, 2008 21:06

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