ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

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ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby flip-flop on Tue May 06, 2008 07:17

No solution, but a hint into the right direction :!:

Ok, let´s go --> If you want to have a output like this:
Code: Select all
  __________   __________   __________
  (  tab 1  )  (  tab 2  )  (  tab n  )

   register content here

e.g. using the mootabs snippet: (Example)

- We must have a closer look to the output of this cp.

My example template at /template/inc_cntpart/tabs/:
Code: Select all
<div id="myTabs{ID}" class="tabs">{TABS_ENTRIES}</div>


The runtime output of the example template:
Code: Select all
<h3>CP Register Tabs</h3>
<h4>MooTabs development</h4>

<div id="myTabs19" class="tabs">   <!-- e.g. 19 is the ID of this CP //-->
   <ul><li>Tab 1 Label
         <h3>Title01</h3><br />
         Tab 1 Content

   <ul><li>Tab 2 Label
         <h3>Title02</h3><br />
         Tab 1 Content

   <ul><li>Tab 2 Label
         <h3>Title03</h3><br />
         Tab 1 Content

- but following the mootabs programming scheme:
Code: Select all
<div id="myTabs19">
    <li title="Tab1">Tab 1 Label</li>
    <li title="Tab2">Tab 2 Label</li>
    <li title="Tab3">Tab 3 Label</li>

  <div id="Tab1">
    Tab 1 Content
  <div id="Tab2">
    Tab 2 Content

  <div id="Tab3">
    Tab 3 Content

What we need is a JS programmer who would like to write a script for sorting the unordered list to a mootabs conform output.
All the "tab" snippets I have found are following this scheme.

There is only one programmer who had solved this problem, but there are no examples. (German)

We can solve this using a php script before the site is deliver by the system, but that isn´t the best solution.
I think we need an XHTML semanticaly correct output and logical order for Screanreaders.
In this context an JS solution by runtime is the better one.

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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby Jensensen on Tue May 06, 2008 17:37

Hi flip-flop,

well, I was testing, working on templates all the time and i found many other "Tabs" scripts, mooFX, proto... and all that stuff... i will send later.
The main problem you already mentioned and we discussed yesterday is:
flip-flop wrote:...We can solve this using a php script before the site is delivered by the system, but that isn´t the best solution...

I'll try to explain in some other words:

This is the structure of the template:


And this is the way, the script works:
At first, all tab ENTRIES are rendered as a whole!

Secondly the whole HTML output, the whole content, is targeted, placed INTO the {TABS_ENTRIES} block!

We can wrap a lot of DIV's around, edit HTML within, but we CANNOT place any elements of EACH "entry" part also ABOVE --> on top of the template output.

Most scripts need TABTITLE --> TABS BUTTONS obove!
Most "tab script solutions" require e.g. something like this:
{TABTITLE} | {TABTITLE} | {TABTITLE}... what could be used as TABS BUTTONS


I AM REALLY wondering why OG called/named this CP TABS??? Because, default, even after hours of testing, there will be no "Tabs"! Guess, OG already has it, uses it, typing code, watching the forum with a smile on his face, while we're still searching for a solution... :wink:

Well, the sooner or later... :wink:
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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby Jensensen on Tue May 06, 2008 20:41

found more like this: ... _tabs.html

latest idea was to use a horizontal accordion to arrange, style e.g. <h3>{TABTITLE}</3> like tab buttons with CSS, but failed.

So, hopefully pepe succeeds by using adobe spry...
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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby pepe on Wed May 07, 2008 08:27

Hi friends,

nur mal ein kurzer Zwischenbericht bezüglich meiner Experimente mit dem CP "Register (Tabs)".

Ich hab's fast so hinbekommen, wie ICH es wollte... zumindest bin ich auf dem richtigen Weg :D
Ich habe jetzt echte TABS und die Seite wird NICHT jedesmal wieder aufgerufen, wenn ich die Tabs wechsle!
Es wechselt nur der Inhalt des Tab-Container !!!

Wollt ihr mal sehen?


Da ich aber unbedingt möglichst alle vorhandenen CPs innerhalb des Inhaltsbereichs umsetzen können möchte, und das mit phpwcms-Bordmitteln :wink: , mußte ich mal wieder einige (kleine) Kompromisse machen. So ist eben das Leben!

Also, nicht so elegant, wie erhofft, aber im phpwcms Backend nur mit den vorhandenen Eingabemöglichkeiten realisierbar.
Als Script habe ich eine einzelne JS-Datei aus dem Adobe JS-Framework "SPRY" verwendet... ich werde aber in der kommenden Woche mal mit moo experimentieren, da ist eine ähnliche Lösung möglich...
Bei den Adobe-Jungs war aber alle so schön übersichtlich und verständlich und mit Code-Beispielen beschrieben.

Wenn ihr die 3 tmpl-Dateien haben möchtet... bitte melden :wink: ( Irgendwie RETHORISCH, glaube ich, oder? )

Das es natürlich möglich ist, die Inhalte in den einzelnen Containern beliebig zu schachteln und z.B. Image-Popups aufzurufen, ist doch selbstverständlich!

Was die "Bordmittel" angeht, die ich immer so gerne anwende...
In diesem Fall verwende ich zwar den beiliegenden "56er Maulschlüssel", benutze ihn hier aber zum "Einkloppen" derContentParts in die Container :D
Last edited by pepe on Wed May 07, 2008 09:04, edited 2 times in total.
mfG pepe

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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby claus on Wed May 07, 2008 08:48

DoppelWOW ;)
The following (and the previous) wouldn't have happened if there had been a GURM!
update process in progress 90% - Please stand by.. don't hit any key. Hold your breath...
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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby flip-flop on Wed May 07, 2008 14:02

For me I have solved the tabbing output in register tabs (MooTabs.js with an php snippet in template).
But my solution cant´t display pictures in this CP. Or my version (r161) is to old to do so.
I think pepe is your man, he had implemented this in register tabs.
My question, where have you patched the system to do so?

-> We are talking about ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools) (Please see the headline).

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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby pepe on Wed May 07, 2008 22:26

flip-flop wrote:...
-> We are talking about ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools) (Please see the headline).

Ohhh yes ... pardon me :oops: :oops: :oops: But now i have another one, what fits with this Theme!

OK, not ready to go, but looks good and i hope, i will get it!!! I'm fiddeling on the JS code, to let it moove like an accordion :D
All made with ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" and prepared to work with mootools.js out of the phpwcms script-package :D ....
After pasting the 3 tmpl-files to the tabs-directory, all input can be done inside the backend of phpwcms :D

And here is, what i have until now:


All CPs are possible inside the different register-containers ! Tomorrow its on the way, to play accordion... i will hope so :wink:
mfG pepe

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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby pepe on Wed May 07, 2008 22:36

flip-flop wrote:...
My question, where have you patched the system to do so?

Hi Knut... It's no patch!
All the code is inside the templates and is included "on the fly" during rendering the site!!!

But, because i want to go with all CPs of phpwcms inside the separate containers, it was necessary, to break it into 3 tmpl-files! But the use is that easy... every NewBee will do it in 10 Minutes...

It's a workaround... but works for me inside the backend, like a "charm" :D
Last edited by pepe on Thu May 08, 2008 12:37, edited 1 time in total.
mfG pepe

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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby pepe on Thu May 08, 2008 12:36

OK, here i am again... and my accordion is playing :D :D :D

Since my last posting, the static containers have gone... now all is fading vertical with the well known accordion effect.

Content of Register 3, fitting into its box:

Content of Register 4, fitting into its box as well:

But to be honest... at the moment its not jet working with the incuded mootools.js but with its little brother moo.fx.
Pardon me again, flip-flop :oops: :oops: :oops:
I have some difficulties, getting the demoscript running with the onboard-scriptset.... but i'm working on it.
See you later, friends, i will think over it for a while!!!

Now it's a good time for the backjard. A biiiig icecreame is waiting for me... and the GIRLS as well, you understand :D
mfG pepe

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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby nora0355 on Sat May 24, 2008 15:15


habe gerade die "Register (Tabs)" -> Accordion (MooTools) ausprobiert, funktioniert super.
Würde die "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools) auch mal ausprobieren, gibt es dafür auch schon eine Lösung?

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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby flopi on Wed Jul 02, 2008 15:53

Pepe wie hast du den die tabs so hinbekommen? :?:

ok nachdem ich nochmals nachgedacht habe hab ichs auch geschafft. Ich hab aber für den Anfang nur ein hmtl cp genommen. :)

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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby pepe on Wed Jul 02, 2008 16:04

Und.... kannst du dann auch mehrere CPs in eine Box bekommen ???
mfG pepe

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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby Jensensen on Wed Jul 02, 2008 16:40

never - ever <--> trick :?: :idea:
zeigen... :shock:

nora0355 auch, bitte, bitte....
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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby pepe on Wed Jul 02, 2008 18:59

Ich habe MEINEN Lösungsansatz mal hier zusammengefasst...
Here is the way, i have DONE it! Not that "elegant", but works for me...

Last edited by pepe on Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:00, edited 1 time in total.
mfG pepe

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Re: ContentPart "Register (Tabs)" -> MooTabs (MooTools)

Postby flopi on Thu Jul 03, 2008 06:34

Das mit mehreren cp's in eine box muss ich noch gucken.
Ich habs mal nur zum laufen gebracht. Für mich schon eine Höchstleistung.
Aber ich werd mir mal den Beitrag von Pepe reinziehen, mal schaun ob ich alles kapier was er da alles getrieben hat. :D

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