It's frustrating for you, I know...

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It's frustrating for you, I know...

Postby Oliver Georgi on Sun Feb 24, 2008 10:01

...and YES!!! I am that stupid guy being a victim of its own success.

Many of you know that I hate to promote deadlines - but I did too often mostly under your pressure and most were not realistic at the end. Sorry! And no - it's not your fault - it's my, like always because I am responsible for that peace of software.

It's right (and not) - we have lost some people (maybe many - I don't know). But on the other hand we have won a lot we don't know and some I know - very potential by the way. But that is also a normal evolutionary process.

There are many new systems available outside - some good but many very specific or not worth the paper. So the market diversify each day more and more.

I have checked some of the main competitors in the last weeks to see if it makes sense - maybe as last way to speed up something - to write a converter script. But I found none which is as easy as phpwcms still is. For most people a WordPress install is a good option - really! But WordPress systems are flat - if you need deeper menu logics and so on you know where you are right.

Some months ago I have started publishing snapshots. At the moment there is no new snapshot because I cannot warrant that it works the way you are accustomed with and expect. So giving it to somebody will result in more work on my side because even it is given as unsupported many of you are asking for support or report known failures. I cannot handle this.

So what now?

Yes, yes, yes - I am working on the new release. There are many changes and many improvements. All I can give here at the moment is hope. Not more! No deadline! No date! But a new release is coming - really!

I'm still in close contact with some of the long-term phpwcms users. So these are my reputation.

But parallel to the development of phpwcms I realize other projects too - most based on phpwcms as underlying cms. So this process is like Siamese twins - each job done beside further development of phpwcms extends it's release date but brings lot of useful improvements and quality.

I quarrel from time to time if it is useful to keep phpwcms alive. But it is. So, the next release you will see will be phpwcms v1.5.

What the community really needs is a better documentation - because phpwcms can do a lot with little development but only some people know how to do. This can be done using a Wiki only. flip-flop is trying to support this as head but he needs your support too. I would support this too by writing ToDo but I am not able to support the technical basis or keep an eye on other aspects related to this.

One very hard for me is the lost of Pappnase. He has driven me crazy on let me hanging migrating a customer's cms (and has cost a lot of time) - but please Oli come back.

And one other thing - I'm not able at the moment to keep an eye on the forum. So it makes no sense to send posts addressing @O.G.

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer
Hegerplatz 7, 06846 Dessau, Germany
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