phpwcms [Update]

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phpwcms [Update]

Postby Oliver Georgi on Wed Apr 25, 2007 21:51

The new release 1.3.2(.1) is public :)

[Update 24/04/2007]
A small fix included in (.1 is just to show that it is different). This solves special chars problem in case you are not using iso-8859-1 encoding.

There is also a diffed archive availabe which includes changed and new files only.

Downloads are available on

Have fun testing all the new, optimized and enhanced functions.
And there are a lot: changelog.

These are the main things in 1.3.2:
  • Basic frontend login. This is just step 1 of frontend login implementation. There are some things missing. But will be available very soon.
  • New content part "images <div>". It's based on the old "images" but is totally template driven and optimal for CSS styled image lists. One of the options I like most - you can set option to center thumbnail image vertically and horizontally based on thumbnail width/hight. Pretty cool - you will love it :)
  • For all main thumbnail/zoom image combination the very nice lightbox/slimbox" is integrated. When ticked in "images" you will have in-page picture gallery support prev/next. Captions can be hidden for thumbnail listing - but zoomed image view have it again. Try!
  • New replacement tag
    Code: Select all

    Do I have to say more.
  • Linkme bookmarklet frontend render script extended:
    Code: Select all
  • You can link articles by using index.php?aid=articleID
  • Content part multimedia optimized a lot.
  • Check pagelayout - there you can define page title order and page title spacer.
  • Content part teaser got new setting which allows teaser entries to be rendered only once per page.
  • {NAV_LIST_UL} modes enhanced by "P, FP, HCSSP, VCSSP" which means - show parent level too (will be the first entry having own class definition).
  • ...and a lot more...

Banner ads module is ready too [image]. But you have to pay a fee in case you want to use it in commercial project.

  • Multiple ad places per page
  • Different banner formats (all standard pre-deined
  • Banner can be: Flash+ALT image, Image, Flash Layer, Text/HTML
  • Tracking of all banner activities
  • Limit banner display based on page view, start/end date, clicks, view per user

Ok, that's all for the moment.
Last edited by Oliver Georgi on Thu Apr 26, 2007 09:49, edited 1 time in total.
Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer
Hegerplatz 7, 06846 Dessau, Germany
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Small fix

Postby Oliver Georgi on Thu Apr 26, 2007 07:33

Just to let you know.

Oliver Georgi | phpwcms Developer
Hegerplatz 7, 06846 Dessau, Germany
phpwcms | | LinkedIn | XING | Hot stuff
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Oliver Georgi
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