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What is wxWidgets?


wxWidgets lets developers create applications for Win32, Mac OS X, GTK+, X11, Motif, WinCE, and more using one codebase. It can be used from languages such as C++, Python, Perl, and C#/.NET. Unlike other cross-platform toolkits, wxWidgets applications look and feel native. This is because wxWidgets uses the platform's own native controls rather than emulating them. It's also extensive, free, open-source, and mature. Why not give it a try, like many others have?

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Heading News and Events

wxWidgets in 2008

If you are interested in the ongoing development of the library, you can read a brief summary of changes in 2008 on wxBlog.

wxWidgets Packages Appear In OpenSolaris

wxWidgets is now available as an OpenSolaris package. It had been already included in OpenSolaris before, as a static library which was part of the pgAdmin package, but now the shared libraries and files required for development using wxWidgets (SUNWwxwidgets and SUNWwxwidgets-devel packages respectively) are included as well.

wxWidgets 2.8.9 Released

The wxWidgets team is pleased to announce a new wxWidgets release. The latest stable release in 2.8 series contains several bug fixes as well as a few new functions. Upgrading is recommended for all wxWidgets users. To get wxWidgets, please go to the download page.

Writer's Café 2 Released

Anthemion Software Ltd. is pleased to announce a major new version of their cross-platform fiction writing toolkit. Built using wxWidgets to target Windows, Mac, Linux, FreeBSD and Solarix x86, Writer's Café 2 has a new interface and many new features including USB memory stick support and adaptations for small-screen devices such as the Eee PC and other netbooks.

See the Writer's Café web site for more details and downloadable demos.

Jungle Disk Desktop 2.0 Released

Jungle Disk, Inc. is a leading provider of online storage software and services, using wxWidgets to build their storage management software for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Version 2.0 is an update with new interface and many new features.

See their web site here. There's also an interesting article about how Jungle Disk got started here.

wxWidgets Sample Included in NVIDIA Scene Graph

The latest release of NVIDIA Scene Graph SDK includes a sample written using wxWidgets. People interested in using wxWidgets with OpenGL may be interested in looking at this powerful library.

New wxVCL and wxForms Releases

wxVCL 0.0.2 and wxForms 1.0.6 are now available from TwinForms. wxVCL is a crossplatform C++ library for wxWidgets that contains VCL like functions. Currently it has some basic VCL classes and approximately 600 VCL functions. wxForms is an integrated form designer plugin for Borland C++ Builder that helps you to create cross platform applications. wxForms allows you to use all the C++ builder's powerful Form designer/editor features to quickly create cross platform applications.

wxWidgets and the Eee PC

wxWidgets is a great tool to develop applications for the little Eee PC machine, in both its Windows and Linux incarnations. Read the article Programming for the Eee PC with wxWidgets on our blog and get some tips on adapting your applications for the hottest gadget since the iPhone.

wxWidgets on Maemo

Interested in developing applications for portable Linux-based devices? Read about how wxWidgets can help you to target Maemo platform, used by Nokia internet tablets and the upcoming Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded project.

Looking forward to wxWidgets 3.0

Read a brief introduction to the upcoming wxWidgets 3.0 release explaining why is the major version of the framework is going to change for the first time in more than 10 years on wxBlog.


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Site design and update scripts by Kevin Ollivier, with special thanks to Brad Anderson for his improvements to the sidebar, intro table and navbar designs, Bryan Petty for the new wxWidgets blocks graphics and logo text, and to the wxWidgets community for all their helpful suggestions, comments and testing!