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Summary Content Management Framework for PHP
Category techcomm
License GNU Lesser Public License
Owner(s) ab, bergius, dsrbo, friflaj, jlz, piotras, torben

Message from the owner(s)

Midgard and its subprojects is moved to trac.midgard-project.org .


The Midgard Project

Midgard is an Open Source Content Management Framework (CMF) based on Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Midgard provides a robust framework for building interactive and multilingual web applications and Content Management Systems.

The Midgard CMF includes the following components:

  • midgard-lib: system libraries and the Repligard replication tool
  • mod_midgard: Apache connection handling module
  • midgard-php4: Midgard programming API extension for PHP
  • midgard-data: database initialization tool including some Midgard applications like Aegir administrative interface and MidCOM component framework

Current Midgard version is available for download at http://www.midgard-project.org/download/.

Project documentation is maintained using Midgard CMS and is available as online HTML and downloadable PDF.

See Midgard Updates for latest project news. There is also an RSS feed available.


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Name Summary
aegir Midgard Administration Interface
magni GTK Midgard Object Browser
midcom Midgard Component Framework
midgardlite Pure-PHP implementation of Midgard Content Management Framework
spider Midgard Administration Interface