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Summary Reusable software components
Owner(s) jrobbins

Today's software systems are increasingly complex. Yet, the time and effort available to produce these systems has become shorter rather than longer.

Software reuse is one of the most important solutions to the challenge of building complex systems. Effective reuse requires:

  • Easily accessible repositories of useful, high-quality components
  • Standards in technology, documentation, and software process
  • Tools for finding, understanding, evaluating, adapting, and integrating reusable components
  • Effective support of the developer community that is reusing each library

This category on tigris.org hosts open source projects that are producing widely reusable software components.


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Project name Summary
ada-event-io-framework An Ada framework for event based IO
algierlib Algier Library is a C++ library to create native GUIs.
allseeingi Visual Programming GUI for computer vision and visualisation
axion Java Database
babylon Develops AJAX based components
bbapi Java API for Bulletin Boards
beex graphic library
beryl Web platform based on Java/XML/XSLT
binarycloud php web development platform
bitreflex LDAP Management Applications and Libraries
bosco A JMI-compliant template-based code generator.
brewstl C++ Libraries like STL and BOOST for BREW.
calendardrawer A .Net library for drawing a calendar
caliburn An MVP Framework for WPF
casandra A multiplatform 3D graphics engine
cervantes Generic shopping cart - ecommerce application written in PHP
charles Charles is a container and algorithms library for Ada.
checklicense A tool and a library to check license consistency of a software
chrysalis DB code generator produces Java code, DDL, and HTML from XML
cmdproc Argument driven command processing in Java.
combine Combine is a Model-View-Controller for PHP5
congen Container Template Generator for Delphi
contempro Process modelling for context-aware systems
covalence SWT/JFace to POJO data binding
creole Database abstraction for PHP5