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Tigris is now running CEE version (that is, patch 1 on 5.2.0), which has fixes for some problems noted recently, particularly in the discussion forums. Check the release notes for more details

Summary Defect and issue tracking tools
Owner(s) jrobbins


All software has defects during development, and often in its initial releases. Software developers must track the thousands of defects and requests for changes that come in over the course of the development process. Keeping track of this information in a spreadsheet or bugs.txt file or one's email inbox is not good enough because the complexity of the issue tracking task and its importance to all phases of development.

Issue tracking is a generalization of simple defect tracking. Issues include all requests for features and enhancements, as well as tasks (pieces of development "overhead" work that must be done). Issue trackers can also be used for customer support after the product is shipped.

This category hosts issue tracking tools and related utilities. Also, we maintain a list of tools and resources in the file sharing area.


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Project name Summary
bbapi Java API for Bulletin Boards
bugfree a lightweight and simple web-based bug tracking system
framescheduler Issue/project tracker in php/MySQL
horizon Tools for Automating Software Development Process
jira-dashboard Eclipse plugin for Jira integration
leo Literate editor with outlines
lit A lightweight issue tracker
mantisbt Mantis Bug Tracker
nteam a development team collaboration platform
nullbugs A bugtracking system for all types of projects.
openpsa Management package for a software company
openteamsystem Open Source System much like MS Team System for VS2005
phrac PHP5 written wiki and bug tracking system for software projects
scarab Artifact tracking system
scarab-incubator A sandbox for the development of software components for Scarab.
subissue Track issues directly in your Subversion repository.
todo-task An ant task to help developers keep track of todo's
yoxel Adaptive Project Management