• 5 Vote!

    Blago hit Burris up for "contribution"

    Daily Kos (subscribe) | 02/14/2009 | Politics

      Via AP : SPRINGFIELD, Ill.—Sen. Roland Burris admitted Saturday that former Gov. Rod Blagojevich's brother asked him for a campaign contribution before the governor appointed Burris to the Senate. The disclosure is at odds with Burris' testimony in January when an Illinois House impeachment committee specifically asked if he had ever spoken to Robert Blagojevich or other aides to the now-deposed governor...  
  • 2 Vote!

    The Best Of Big Download: February 9-15

    Joystiq (subscribe) | 7 hours ago | Video Games

      Filed under: Mac , PC , Meta (about Joystiq) Did you get what you wanted for Valentine's Day? Whether you did or not you can't deny that once again Big Download had a busy week. As we always do on Sunday let's look at the highlights for the past week: Exclusive features F.E.A.R. 2 review and feature : We give our final word on Monolith's first person shooter sequel. We also take a look back at the...  
  • 3 Vote!

    Stressed for success

    The Conscience of a Liberal (subscribe) | 02/14/2009 | Other

      Aha - the Times's dealbook blog supplies exactly the numbers I was looking for. It cites a CreditSights report on the potential losses of major banks - which gives us a guide to the amount of capital the federal government needs to put in to make these banks viable. Focus just on the big four money [...]  
  • 3 Vote!

    Taxpayer revolt: Porkulus protest in Seattle

    Michelle Malkin (subscribe) | yesterday | Politics

      There should be one of these in every town in America. [...] Read the rest »  
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    Sony Ericsson gets official with "Idou" 12 megapixel mobile

    Engadget (subscribe) | yesterday | Technology

      We didn't doubt it for a second (okay, maybe one second), but Sony's so-called Idou is for real. Though, we wouldn't go memorizing that name or anything, 'cause SE has plans to change it to something more commercial before summer. At any rate, the touchscreen-heavy handset does indeed sport a 12.1 megapixel shooter (which was hinted at last November ), which sort of makes the also-just-official Samsung...  
  • 1 Vote!

    Obama Killing People in Pakistan

    Little Green Footballs (subscribe) | 02/14/2009 | World

      Q: When do US airstrikes in Pakistan actually kill Al Qaeda and Taliban “fighters,” and not “innocent women and children'” A: When they’re ordered by Barack Obama . ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Two missiles fired from American drone aircraft killed more than 30 people, including Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters, near the Pakistani border with Afghanistan Saturday , according to a Pakistani intelligence official...  
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