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    A Spork in the Drawer (subscribe) | yesterday | Politics

      The New York Time Magazine today presents a gallery of incoming members of the Obama administration and prominent Congressional Democrats. photographed by Nadav Kander. Included in the Flash presentation audio of Kander and the Magazines director of photography, Kathy Ryan...  
  • 1 Vote!

    Google Preferred Sites

    Google Operating System (subscribe) | yesterday | Technology

      Preferred Sites is a new experimental feature for Google Search that lets you personalize the results by adding a list of sites you want to appear more often when you search. Based on your search history, Google suggests some frequently-visited sites, but you can add any other site. The help page explains more: "The preferred sites feature lets you set your Google Web Search preferences so that your...  
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    YouTube trying out video downloads?

    TechDigest (subscribe) | 5 hours ago | Technology

      If you've ever enjoyed a YouTube video and then thought "I want to take this with me wherever I go", then prepare to be mildly pleased. YouTube appears to be experimenting with offering downloads of videos. The first to gain this feature have been the videos on Obama's ChangeDotGov YouTube channel . The videos come in a decent format - MPEG4, using the H.264 codec. That's the same as the same videos...  
  • 4 Vote!

    Taken Out of Context -- my PhD dissertation

    apophenia (subscribe) | yesterday | Technology

      Without further ado... my PhD dissertation: Taken Out of Context: American Teen Sociality in Networked Publics Abstract: As social network sites like MySpace and Facebook emerged, American teenagers began adopting them as spaces to mark identity and socialize with peers. Teens leveraged these sites for a wide array of everyday...  
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    "To trash Bush was to belong"

    sisu (subscribe) | yesterday | Politics

      "And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited: and he shall let go the goat in the wilderness." (Leviticus 16:22) Above image found in google image search unattributed. "To trash Bush was to...  
  • 2 Vote!

    Sony goes Cloud-hopping with Final Fantasy VII edition PS3

    Engadget (subscribe) | 6 hours ago | Video Games

      Like some greedy vampire that just won't rest, Final Fantasy VII keeps coming back again and again to suck the contents out of your wallets. Its latest incarnation is a re-release of Advent Children , and Sony's getting in on the game with yet another special edition console to celebrate it. The upgraded movie is said to boast 30 more minutes of gratuitous high-res animation action while the new PS3...