You are here: English > The Docu > Admin > Replacement Tags > System Tags

System Replacement Tags


Use: Displays the current date - in long notation
Notation: {DATE_LONG}
Result: Monday, 19. January 2009
Remark: To display date in other languages you must edit: config/phpwcms/

The Date format can be changed in 
config/phpwcms/ beginning from line 159


Use: Displays the current date - in medium notation
Notation: {DATE_MEDIUM}
Result: Mon, 19. Jan 09
Remark: To display date in other languages you must edit: config/phpwcms/

The Date format can be changed in 
config/phpwcms/ beginning from line 159


Use: Displays the current date - in short notation
Notation: {TIME_SHORT}
Result: 14:13
Remark: The Time format can be changed in 
config/phpwcms/ beginning from line 159


Use: The current time of day - in long notation
Notation: {TIME_LONG}
Result: 14:13:17
Remark: The current time is server based

The Time format can be changed in 
config/phpwcms/ beginning from line 159

[PHP] PHP_code [/PHP]

Use: This tag supports the use of php code, which can be be entered directly between the opening and closing brackets
Notation: [PHP]echo PHP_VERSION;[/PHP]
Result: 4.4.8
Remark: This is ideal for short PHP expressions


Use:   This tag produces a navigational breadcrumb and indicates the end user's location within the phpwcms navigational site structure.
Notation: {BREADCRUMB}
Result: Home > English > The Docu > Admin > Replacement Tags > System Tags
Remark: To cusomize the Font, Link Color etc. add the follwoing rows to the frontend.css and customize the settings.

.breadcrumb, .breadcrumb a, .breadcrumb a:link, .breadcrumb a:active, .breadcrumb a:visited {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica,Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
color: #666666;
text-decoration: none;
.breadcrumb a:hover {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
color: #333333;
text-decoration: underline;

And this would be the soruce for the template to call your customized settings :

<tr><td height="20" bgcolor="#efefef" class="breadcrumb">{BREADCRUMB}</td></tr>


Use:   This tag produces a navigational breadcrumb and indicates the end user's location within the phpwcms navigational site structure. By editing the ID Value you can setup the starting point.
Result: English > The Docu > Admin > Replacement Tags > System Tags
Remark:  To cusomize the Font, Link Color etc. add the follwoing rows to the frontend.css and customize the settings.

.breadcrumb, .breadcrumb a, .breadcrumb a:link, .breadcrumb a:active, .breadcrumb a:visited {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica,Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
color: #666666;
text-decoration: none;
.breadcrumb a:hover {
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
color: #333333;
text-decoration: underline;

And this would be the soruce for the template to call your customized settings :

<tr><td height="20" bgcolor="#efefef" class="breadcrumb">{BREADCRUMB}</td></tr>


Use: Arguably, the 'content' replacement tag is one of the most important within phpwcms. In effect phpwcms replaces this tag with the actual dynamic content of associated articles. Since this tag is deployed within the page templates (admin section), a certain level of control with regards to page layout is facilitiated.
Notation: {CONTENT}
Result: -
Remark: This tag, deployed within page templates, can be used only once. Future versions of phpwcms may expand on how this tag is implemented and deployed.


Use: This tag supports complete external php scripts, ending with the *.php suffix. Phpwcms buffers output to enable these scripts to execute. Very robust including connections to remote databases. See forum for details and usage.
Notation: {PHP:my_external_PHP_script.php}
Result: -
Remark: The file name including the necessary indication of path is to be entered.  Longer PHP scripts should be merged if necessary within iframe within phpwcms.


Use: The URL tag offers support for the inclusion of both external as well as internal (phpwcms) web pages. It uniquely outputs markup that is found within the < BODY > and </BODY > tags.
Notation: {URL:}
Result: -

[BACK] Text or Image [/BACK]

Use: Creates an Back function, based on the javascript:history.back();
Notation: [BACK] one page back[/BACK]
Result: one page back
Alternative: The text can also replaced by an Image. See the example below:

[BOOKMARK] Text or Image [/BOOKMARK]

Use: Creates an link to add it to your browser favorites. Notice that this will only work under IE!
Notation: [BOOKMARK]Add to favorites[/BOOKMARK]
Result: Add to favorites
Alternative: The text can also replaced by an Image. See the example below:

[PRINT_PDF]Text or Image[/PRINT_PDF]

Usage:   Creates a pdf file of the actual page. This function is available since Version 1.3.2
Notation: [PRINT_PDF]Create PDF
Prompt: Create PDF
Alternative: Instead of text also an image can be inserted,
in der form of:

Notice: The output of the pdf file can be controlled with a template file.
You can find the template file in template/inc_default/pdf.tmpl .


[PRINT] Text or Image [/PRINT]

Use: Creates an printerfriendly preview of the content area. 

All Header, Footer and Navigationelements are hidden.
Notation: [PRINT]Print[/PRINT]
Result: Print
Alternative: The text can also replaced by an Image. See the example below:


[RSS all] Text [/RSS]

Verwendung:   With this replacement tag you can offer your content as an RSS feed.
Schreibweise: [RSS all]RSS-Feed[/RSS]
Anzeige: RSS

The following settings are possible:

[RSS all]RSS-Feed[/RSS]
shows the complete website as an RSS feed.

replace INT with an ID of a structure level and only this will be shown as an RSS feed.

replace ALIAS with an existing alias of your website and only this level will be shown as an RSS feed.


Instead of text you can also insert an image:

[RSS all]{IMAGE:rss_valid.gif}[/RSS]



Use: This tag adds the complete URL.
Notation: {SITE}index.php?hello
Remark: Can be used for redirection. It's very helpful if you change the domain or build the site local.

Article created: Friday, 13. August 2004
Last Changes: Thursday, 2. August 2007