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Language Settings for Replacement Tags

Some replacement tags are adjustable to your required language.

The following languages are available:

Country Initials   Country
 AR    Arabia (since version 1.2.9)
 BG    Bulgaria
 CA    Catalan
 CZ    Czech (since 6.8.2005)
 DA    Denmark
 DE    German
 EN    English
 ES    Spain
 ET    Estonia
 FI    Finnland
 FR    France
 GR    Greece (since 1.8.2005)
 HU    Hungary
 IT    Italy
 LT    Lithuania
 NL    Netherlands
 NO    Norway
 PL    Poland (since 9.10.2005)
 PT    Portugal
 RO    Romania (since version 1.2.6)
 RU    Russia
 SE    Sweden
 SK    Slovakia
 TR    Turkey (since version 1.2.9)
 VN    Vietnam

By replacing the country initials you can change your language settings.

Countrycode List updated : Monday, 30. July 2007


Setting for Date and Time Tags

To change the date format according to your required language go to (config/phpwcms/) starting from line  158.
Replace "DE" with your desired country initials.

Additionally you have the choice between the following date and time formats. 

// date and time formatting
$template_default["date"]["language"]  = "DE";         // DE=German, IT=Italian, FR=French
$template_default["date"]["long"]   = "l, j. F Y";  // (Monday, 1. October 2003)
$template_default["date"]["medium"]   = "D, j. M y";  // (Mon, 1. Oct 03)
$template_default["date"]["short"]   = "Y/m/d";      // (2003/12/25)
$template_default["date"]["article"]  = "Y/m/d";      // (2003/12/25)
$template_default["time"]["long"]   = "H:i:s";      // 15:25:45
$template_default["time"]["short"]   = "H:i";        // 15:25

Settings for the {NEW:X} Tag

You can also change the date format in the {NEW:X} Tag.

To do this edit again the (config/phpwcms/} . In line 189 there you will find the following expression.

$template_default["news"]["date_language"] = "EN";

Replace "EN" with the country initial you need to use.

Article created: Sunday, 15. August 2004
Last Changes: Monday, 30. July 2007