Software Freedom Law Center

The Software Freedom Law Center

We provide legal representation and other law-related services to protect and advance Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS). Founded in 2005, the Center now represents many of the most important and well-established free software and open source projects.


SFLC offers direct services to nonprofit FLOSS developers without charge, as well as publications for everyone. Learn more about our services...


SFLC frequently publishes the results of its legal analysis of various FLOSS-related legal issues. Read SFLC's Legal Issues Primer for Open Source and Free Software Projects... Browse our legal publications...

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2009 Summer Internships Available!

Are you a law student, computer science student, or any type of student generally interested in software freedom? Check out our summer internship program!

[Ogg/Vorbis Audio RSS] [MP3 Audio RSS]The Software Freedom Law Show

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January 6, 2009

Episode 0x04: Lawyers Who Wear Fedoras

Richard Fontana, Open Source Licensing and Patent Counsel from Red Hat, joins us for an in-depth interview.

Read the show notes...

The Software Freedom Law Show Archive...


December 24, 2008

It's a Wonderful FLOSS

I suppose it's time for me to confess. For a regular humbug who was actually memory-leak-hunting libxml2 at the office until 21:30 on December 24th, I'm still quite a sucker for Frank Capra movies. Most people haven't seen any of them except It's a Wonderful Life. Like a lot of people, I see that film annually one way or the other, too.


Posted by Bradley M. Kuhn

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