Welcome to the Plone Issue Tracker and development workspace

This is the bug and feature tracker for the Plone Open Source Content Management System.

  • If you have a question or need help in setting up Plone, please use one of our support options. The Plone Setup and Plone General lists/forums are good places to ask questions, as is our online chat room (IRC).
  • Security-related bugs should be reported via email to security(at)plone.org

To report a new issue you must be logged in with your plone.org username. If you have no user yet, you can easily create one. In your new ticket please provide as much detail as possible. Especially which version of Plone you are using. You can get this information at the bottom of your Site Setup screen, listed as Plone version overview at the bottom of the page.

— The Plone Team

More information on how to participate

Call for Applications/Nominations for Plone 4 Framework TeamPlone 4 Framework Team nominations list

How to set up your development sandbox

Where'd it go on Plone trunk??