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 seisyunBroccoli 0.71
 by SEISYUN-B - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 13:18 UTC

About: seisyunBroccoli is a program to get Web feeds using the RSS or Atom protocols. It aims to be simple and easy. Registered Web feeds are sorted according to date. A summary description (around 200 letters) of each feed item is displayed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Tools
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: News/Diary
Office/Business :: News/Diary
Initial freshmeat announcement Free To Use But Restricted Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Mount-gtk 1.0.0
 by Chris Vine - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 12:56 UTC

About: Mount-gtk is a front end for pmount. It provides a means of mounting devices with pmount through a graphical interface. It is intended for use whenever automounting facilities are not desired or are not effective. It is built as a single-instance program: if the user attempts to start it when another instance of it is already running, the existing instance will be brought up on the current desktop. It will therefore not usually be necessary to mark it as displayable on all desktops.

Focus License URLs
Initial freshmeat announcement GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 Pantry 31
 by massysett - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 12:48 UTC

About: Pantry is a command line nutrient analysis program. It will help you track your food intake and analyze recipes for their nutrient content. Because it works entirely from the command line, it is very fast to use, powerful, and flexible.

Changes: This release fixes a bug that corrupted saved data under certain limited circumstances. The ability to run more than one server at a time was added.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps. Minor feature enhancements MIT/X Consortium License Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Open Macro Library 0.1.0 (Exceptions)
 by cucinotta - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 12:43 UTC

About: Open Macro Library is a library of highly reusable C macros providing a set of well-designed commonly needed functionality to C developers, like logging and debugging helpers, containers, sorting, and other algorithms.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Libraries
Software Development :: Pre-processors
Software Development :: Testing
Initial freshmeat announcement GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 NoMachine NX 3.3.0-12 (Node)
 by NXAdmin - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 12:26 UTC

About: NoMachine NX is a fast terminal server and desktop virtualization system based on the X11 protocol. NX is an order of magnitude faster than VNC or X11 and can run on bandwidth as narrow as 10 kBit/sec. In addition, NX translates and embeds the MS Windows Terminal Server and VNC protocols into X/NX, enabling users to compress and accelerate remote Windows and VNC sessions. The NX project provides a suite of libraries and X11 proxying agents implementing efficient compression and optimized transport of X11, SMB, IPP, HTTP, and arbitrary protocols like audio and video over the Internet.

Changes: The new packages provide fixes to NX Core components to solve a number of issues. For instance, the NX session can become unresponsive when running specific applications such as OpenOffice or WMware, some keys may be incorrectly mapped inside a shadow session, and the X11 agent can terminate unexpectedly when running Firefox.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment
Software Development
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 YourKit Java Profiler 8.0-build4048 (EAP)
 by YourKit Team - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 12:25 UTC

About: YourKit Java Profiler is a CPU and memory profiler that makes it easy to solve wide range of CPU- and memory-related performance problems. It features automatic leak detection, powerful tools for the analysis of memory distribution, an object heap browser, comprehensive memory tests as part of your JUnit testing process, extremely low profiling overhead, transparent deobfuscation support, and integration with Eclipse, JBuilder, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, and JDeveloper IDEs.

Changes: The snapshot index file can be saved to accelerate further snapshot opening. The performance of snapshot loading in 32-bit architectures was optimized.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development
Software Development :: Debuggers
Software Development :: Quality Assurance
Major feature enhancements Free for non-commercial use Homepage Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Childsplay 1.0
 by Stas Zytkiewicz - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 12:23 UTC

About: Childsplay is a suite of educational games for young children, like gcompris but without the GNOME environment. It uses the SDL libraries to provide smooth animation and stores the results of each child in a database.

Changes: This is the first stable release that is based on schoolsplay. Many bugs were fixed and many improvements were made to the images and sounds. Some games got a few more levels.

Focus License URLs
Major bugfixes GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 TCExam 7.0.026
 by Nicola Asuni - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 12:21 UTC

About: TCExam is Web-based assessment software for generating and managing online tests and exams. It simplifies the exam cycle, including generation, execution, evaluation, presentation, and archiving.

Changes: This version contains some SQL bugfixes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Education :: Testing Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 lighty-stats 0.3.1
 by derf - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 12:18 UTC

About: lighty-stats is a CLI lighttpd log file analyzer which, unlike most other tools, prints the result directly to the terminal. Since most Web servers use the same log format, it can be used for other httpd software as well.

Changes: lighty-stats now accepts more than one logfile on the commandline.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: Log Analysis Minor feature enhancements MIT/X Consortium License Homepage Tar/BZ2 Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 IMDBPHP 1.1.1
 by Izzy - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 12:15 UTC

About: ImdbPHP provides an API to the movie information stored at the IMDb.COM sites. As this and the name suggests, it is primarily targeted at PHP programmers who want to extend their programs or their site with this movie information. The classes must be used in accordance with IMDb's copyright and conditions of use.

Changes: Changes to the IMDB site again broke some methods, which were fixed with this release. A small improvement was made: the classes collect more details for filmographies.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 JOrtho 2009-01 (Language Resources)
 by i-net software - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 12:14 UTC

About: JOrtho is a spell checker for Java. The library works with any JTextComponent from the Swing framework and checks as you type. The dictionary is based on the free, and is applicable for multiple languages. You can select the spell checking language via a context menu. The Features of JOrtho are the highlighting of potentially wrongly spelled words, a context menu with suggestions for correct forms of the word, and a context menu with option to change the checking language. At the moment there are eight languages for spell checking available: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, and Arabic.

Changes: Dictionaries for Arabic and Polish were added.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries
Text Editors :: Word Processors
Text Processing
Documentation Free for non-commercial use Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 GmtPy 0.1
 by Sebastian Heimann - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 12:13 UTC

About: GmtPy provides seamless integration of GMT plotting into Python programs. On top of that, it provides (in an opt-in fashion): autoscaling, automatic tick increment determination, layout management, and more.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Scientific/Engineering :: Geographical
Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization
Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
Initial freshmeat announcement The Apache License 2.0 Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Webminstats 1.2
 by Gerbier Eric - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 12:13 UTC

About: Webminstats is a Webmin module designed to store system information in an rrdtool database and to display historic (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and custom) graphs. It is modular in design, so as to be able to log everything from CPU usage to email box size.

Changes: All the graph displays now have an automatic refresh. All of the input and ouput code was recoded to avoid strange warnings. Three new parameters were added for the Linux kernel 2.6 on the CPU module: iowait, irq, and softirq.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Monitoring Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 TCPDF 4.5.008 (PHP5)
 by Nicola Asuni - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 11:42 UTC

About: TCPDF is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions. TCPDF supports all ISO page formats and custom page formats, custom margins and units of measure, UTF-8 Unicode, RTL languages, HTML, barcodes, TrueTypeUnicode, TrueType, OpenType, Type1, and CID-0 fonts, images, graphic functions, clipping, bookmarks, JavaScript, forms, page compression, and encryption.

Changes: This version includes minor bugfixes and performance improvements.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Libraries :: PHP Classes
Text Processing
Minor feature enhancements GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 nfs-ganesha 0.99.50
 by Philippe DENIEL - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 11:41 UTC

About: NFS-GANESHA is a user-space NFSv2, NFSv3, and NFSv4 server. It runs on Linux, BSD variants, and POSIX-compliant Unixes.

Changes: The code was ported to other platforms, revealing several bugs that were subsequently fixed. nfs-ganesha should now be usable under OpenSolaris in an experimental capacity. Debian packaging was also added.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Filesystems Minor feature enhancements The CeCILL License Homepage Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 GTK+ 2.15.1 (Development)
 by Moritz Barsnick - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 11:40 UTC

About: GTK, which stands for the Gimp ToolKit, is a library for creating graphical user interfaces. It is designed to be small and efficient, but still flexible enough to allow the programmer freedom in the interfaces created. GTK provides some unique features over standard widget libraries.

Changes: Many enhancements were made, among them for GtkFileChooser, GtkEntry, GtkTextView, GtkScale, and GtkAction. Several APIs have been deprecated. Many bugs were fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment
Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks
Software Development :: Widget Sets
Minor feature enhancements GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 CCMA 1.0a5
 by Sarah Fuller - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 11:38 UTC

About: CCMA is a simple, lightweight change request control manager. When done consistently and accurately, change requests make a invaluable tool. It's the aim of this project to make change request management easy and as useful as possible.

Changes: The following changes were made to the CCMA installer. The security key was changed to be randomly generated rather than asking the end user. The example URL information is explained more clearly at the end of a new install. The readme information was improved.

Focus License URLs
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 by Luis Araujo - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 11:37 UTC

About: Himerge is a GUI for emerge (Gentoo's Portage system) written in Haskell using gtk2hs. The main idea is to simplify browsing the entire portage tree, and allow running the most basic and common options from the emerge command. It also offers several handy tools, like global and local use flags browsers, inspired by UFED (the Gentoo Linux USE flags editor). It also uses eix (a small utility for searching ebuilds with indexing for fast results) as a back-end command to show package information in HTML/CSS format, so you can access a package's Web site for a quick glance.

Changes: The fix was improved to get the results of an exact and inexact search in the Web panel along with the package versions view selection.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Operating System :: Linux Distributions Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Event Photography Server 1
 by James Bittner - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 11:36 UTC

About: Event Photography Server is a Web-based software package to allow individual photographers to run a simple photo booth where people can buy their photos of the event on-site. It supports all operating systems, and automatically creates thumbnails. Folder structure generates all content, so you can just insert images and the site will work. Interactive ordering can be done with requested sizes, and orders can be confirmed with a phone number.

Focus License URLs
Initial freshmeat announcement Other/Proprietary License with Source Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Dwgo 0.3
 by Gaspar - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 11:36 UTC

About: Dwgo (Don't want to go Outside) is a multistation weather dockapp. You can see temperature and weather conditions of your favorite cities by clicking on the dockapp or using the arrow keys. You can update temperature by pressing F5. You can also create themes by modifing pixmaps, letter color, and position.

Changes: This version can read pixmaps from /usr/share or from the configuration directory in your home. You can also use arrows to change the station as well as clicking the dockapp. You can change text properties for each weather condition, so the background pixmap can change with the color and position of the text shown.

Focus License URLs
Initial freshmeat announcement GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 LevelTen iSite Essentials 6.x-1.0-rc1
 by tomdude48 - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 11:35 UTC

About: LevelTen iSite Essentials (iSE) is a CMS designed to enable organizations to build Web 2.0 sites. It is an extended distribution of the Drupal CMS. It is ideal for Web sites that need a brochureware section and want to integrate Web 2.0 portal features. The iSE distribution will greatly shorten the Drupal learning curve and guide people towards deploying enhanced interactive Web sites.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Wiki
Initial freshmeat announcement GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 DBsight 2.0.8 (Upgrade)
 by Chris - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 11:34 UTC

About: DBSight is a J2EE search platform for instant scalable full-text search on any relational database, for both beginners and experts. It features a built-in database crawler following user-defined SQL, incremental indexing, configurable result ranking, highlighted search results (like Google), and categorized result counts (like Amazon). Scaffolding supports tag cloud, AJAX search suggest, and a spell checker. It can easily integrate with other languages with XML/JSON/HTML. There is a UI for all operations, so no Java coding is necessary. Deleted or updated records in database can be synchronized. Content outside the database can also be searched.

Changes: Numeric range searching with inclusive and exclusive matching on both ends was added. Deletion SQL choice with incremental indexing was made clearer. Multiple schedules can be added, changed, or deleted. The Lucene library was updated to the latest release. Buffer Index can selectively update a specific index field. Buffer index cache flushing was resolved. Configurable email notification for indexing processes was added. AJAX Search Suggestions partial scaffolding was added. HA Cluster mode supports subscribing incremental index changes and a spell-check index. Tag cloud generation via partial scaffold was streamlined.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search
Major feature enhancements Freely Distributable Homepage Zip Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 ePingu for iPhone 1.16
 by Flash Player Software - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 11:08 UTC

About: ePingu is a game in which you must save a lot of penguins that were sent to a tropical Isle when a huge secret study on the South Pole went terribly wrong. You've been sent after them equipped with a pocket teleporter. You should send back as many penguins as you can before the teleporter stops working completely. The teleporter discharges with every tap, so you must recharge it once in a while.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Games/Entertainment :: Arcade Initial freshmeat announcement Shareware Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 PBS 0.961
 by Torsten - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 08:31 UTC

About: PBS is a user-support call management system and call tracing system. It is based on intranet technologies, and it allows you to manage and account calls, inventory, projects, and performance. It features a knowledge base and reports for the manager.

Changes: A bug related to creating and modifying knowledge base (KB) entries was fixed. Tables for call-list and knowledge can be sorted.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Other/Nonlisted Topic
System :: Systems Administration
Minor bugfixes Freely Distributable Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Change Management 1.0.0
 by Wolf - Mon, Jan 26th 2009 04:53 UTC

About: Change Management is a comprehensive change management system, built using the Secure Portal Skeleton. It includes complete audit history for all changes, approvers and change manager roles, and much more.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP Initial freshmeat announcement GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

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- Third time is the charm (Jan 21st)

- Debian: New ganglia-monitor-core packages fix remote code execution (Jan 26th)
- SuSE: New openssl packages fix SSL certificate checking bypass (Jan 26th)
- SuSE: New bind packages fix information disclosure (Jan 26th)

1. MPlayer 100.00%
2. Linux 87.25%
3. cdrtools 80.58%
4. Apache 75.02%
5. gcc 74.36%
6. VLC media player 68.94%
7. PHP 65.19%
8. TightVNC 59.81%
9. Clam AntiVirus 58.29%
10. PostgreSQL 56.07%


- seisyunBroccoli 0.71
- Mount-gtk 1.0.0
- Pantry 31
- Open Macro Library 0.1.0 (Exceptions)
- NoMachine NX 3.3.0-12 (Node)
- YourKit Java Profiler 8.0-build4048 (EAP)
- Childsplay 1.0
- TCExam 7.0.026
- lighty-stats 0.3.1
- IMDBPHP 1.1.1
- JOrtho 2009-01 (Language Resources)
- GmtPy 0.1
- Webminstats 1.2
- TCPDF 4.5.008 (PHP5)
- nfs-ganesha 0.99.50
- GTK+ 2.15.1 (Development)
- CCMA 1.0a5
- Himerge
- Event Photography Server 1
- Dwgo 0.3
- LevelTen iSite Essentials 6.x-1.0-rc1
- DBsight 2.0.8 (Upgrade)
- ePingu for iPhone 1.16
- PBS 0.961
- Change Management 1.0.0 «
- Bioperl 1.6.0
- GeoServer 1.7.2
- Ready Lisp 20090125
- Lzip 1.4 (Stable)
- Record Editor 0.62
- Syslinux 3.73 (Release)
- Laptop Mode Tools 1.46
- LinCity-NG 2.0
- Parted Magic 3.5
- libballistics 1.1.0
- GOBLIN Graph Library 2.8b26
- GAdmin-Rsync 0.1.1
- sux0r 2.0.2
- Lbzip2 0.12
- GLPI 0.71.4
- depfinder 0.3
- phpBB Rivals 1.8.1

- MyPaint 0.6.0
- conntrack-tools 0.9.10
- EmptyCrate Game Engine 5
- HEYU 2.5.0
- RightWebPage 0.11
- Geeqie Image Viewer 1.0alpha3
- Smart Restaurant 0.8 alpha
- Xfce WMdock Plugin 0.3.1
- localcast 0.5
- Skwish 0.1.5
- I2P 0.7
- Freecell Solver 2.14.0
- MikeOS 3.2
- Ctalk 0.0.93a rc3
- Data Crow 3.4.8
- METSlib QAP solver 0.4.2
- porticron 0.3
- Tin Can Jukebox 20090124
- LinkChecker 5.0 (Stable)
- JAWStats Web Statistics & Analytics 0.7
- SSH Askpass Keyring 0.1
- Fingerprint GUI 0.6
- Passive Popper 0.3
- Nagios 3.1.0
- METSlib 0.4.2
- python-jabberbot 0.6
- Mobius Forensic Toolkit 0.4.1
- MplayerXP 0.7.2
- Calcurse 2.5
- inosync 0.2
- mtscrape 0.2
- vchkuser 0.2
- tvrss 0.1
- lftp 3.7.8
- hashit 0.9.6
- diggZ-Et 1.2.2
- OpenAFS 1.5.57 (Development)
- ZenMagick
- MiaCMS 4.8
- TkNewsII 1.0.4
- phlyMail MessageCenter 3.6.37
- phlyMail Hosting Edition 3.6.37
- bareFTP 0.1.4
- phlyMail Lite 3.6.37
- DeVeDe 3.12
- Subversion Repository Search Engine 0.5.0
- Internet DJ Console 0.7.12a
- GNU Solfege 3.12.1 (Stable)
- SvOlli's Little Audio Related Thingies 0.7.1
- FreeVikings 0.8
- Tor-ramdisk 20090125 (MIPS Port)
- OpenGrade 3.1.0
- scrotwm 0.5
- gtklick 0.6.0
- Secure Portal 1.0.0
- Artha 0.7.0
- PDF Split and Merge 1.1.1
- Twinkle 1.4
- H2 Database Engine 1.1.107
- PyMVPA 0.4.1
- Droopy 20090125
- Parrot 0.9.0
- Hankering Habitats 1.0.0

- GnuAccounting 0.6.8
- get_iplayer 1.23
- SHOUTcast Management Interface 0.3.1
- dulwich 0.1.0
- tcshrc 1.6.2
- Hatta Wiki 1.2.2
- Florence 0.3.2
- Restlet 1.1.2 (Stable)
- xbindkeys 1.8.3
- Jailer 2.8.0
- Dotiac::DTL 0.5
- zsync 0.6
- Sqlkit
- Vendetta Online 1.8.55
- qmqtool 1.14
- Python-GPSBabel 0.8.1
- FBReader 0.10.2
- The Eiffel Compiler 0.8
- Bournal 1.3
- Slam-Edit 3.3.8
- pam_mount module 1.16
- Address Book and Calendar Server 22nd January
- JumpBox for Drupal 6.x 1.1.8 (Main)

- Whiskers 0.1
- codemetre 0.18.5
- Cherokee 0.98.0
- pwdrep 1.5
- picviz 0.5
- csv2latex 0.12
- Vacuum Magic 0.8
- Andy's PHP Knowledgebase 0.93.4
- check_cluster_routing 1.0
- wv2ogg 0.1
- SQL Construction Kit 2009-01-23
- iodine 0.5.0
- Java Tools 0.36
- Web Help Desk 9.1.18 (Free Edition)
- patchutils 0.3.1 (Stable)
- PHP File Renamer 1.0
- OrangeHRM 2.4-alpha.4
- Simple Movie Catalog 1.3.1
- csync 0.42.0 rc3
- MailCleaner 2009012201
- VIF 0.9
- fineco2qif 0.1
- plc 0.1.6
- Freech 0.9.18
- JFXtras 0.2
- InDefero 0.7.2
- RSyntaxTextArea 1.2.3
- MIN 2009w04
- depfinder 0.2
- Relatorio 0.5.0
- InDefero 0.7.1
- VirtualBox 2.1.2
- Tulip 3.1.1
- get_iplayer 1.21
- Fimex 0.11
- Gmsh 2.3.0
- DataCleaner 1.5 release candidate 2
- TCPDF 4.5.005 (PHP5)
- TCExam 7.0.023
- DynaStop 08333.1634-035
- phpVideoPro 0.2 (Tools)
- IP-Array 0.05.74d
- Linux Replicated High Availability Manager 1.4.5 (DRBD 8.2 based)
- myPmps 0.7.1
- peaberry 1.0
- Ivy 2.0.0
- AgileWiki 12.2.1 (Element Model)
- Animath 1.10
- TaskForest 1.14
- AtMail Open 1.03
- HAL/C++ 0.02
- OPEN BEXI Creative 2.1
- OPEN BEXI HTML Builder 2.1
- PHPlot 5.0.6
- Open Auto Classifieds 1.5.2
- Rapid Application Development Library 2.8.2
- Big Faceless PDF Library 2.11.2
- get_iplayer 1.20
- NTFS-3G 2009.1.1
- htmLawed 1.1.2
- pluma 1.6
- Advanced Bash Scripting Guide 5.6 (Stable)
- ring3k 0.0.17

- GLD-Fork 1.9
- mediastreamer 2.2.3
- phpMyFAQ 2.0.11
- Ahven 1.4
- localcast 0.4
- JGraphpad
- Tor


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