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International Cooperation 

University of Minho is constantly involved, in a cooperation perspective, with other public and private institutions, namely institutions of higher education. This cooperation can be mainly identified with the north of Spain (Galicia) and countries with Portuguese as official language (PALOPs and Brazil). The format of this cooperation is mainly centred on pos-graduation programs and research projects. Global politics about international cooperation is defined on RT-49 de 2003.

Other examples of cooperation are a Law Degree in Timor-Lorosae, that was created in 2006 by the University of Minho and other Portuguese Universities (Lisbon and Coimbra), sponsored by the United Nations. With China, the cooperation programs include technology and Chinese language (especially students´ mobility with University of Tianjin).

Also a Master on Informatics Systems has been created with the Instituto Superior de Ciência e Tecnologia of Maputo, in Mozambique. This course implementation was sponsored by Portugal Telecom. A doctoral program in education and psychology domains was also organized in order to prepare 10 pos-graduate students from University Agostinho Neto, Angola.

UMinho is Member of CEER (Centro de Estudos Euro-Regionais Galiza - Norte de Portugal), involving University of Porto and Universidade of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Dourro (North of Portugal) and University of Vigo, University of Santiago de Compostela and University of Corunha (Galicia) to develop networks in teaching and research areas.

UMinho is the third European University, and the first University in Portugal, with more Alban grants. Brazil was the country with more Alban grants approved (n=334), Mexico is the second (n=157) and Colombia the third (N=126). Spain is the European country with the largest number of receptions (n=282), United Kingdom is the second (n=208) and France the third (n=159).

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