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Categories: Community

This page collects advertisements for commercial and academic positions involing Haskell or related technologies.

If you are seeking Haskell jobs, or wish to recruit, good places to follow are the Haskell and Haskell-cafe mailing lists, and the Types mailing list (particularly for research jobs). Contacting those organisations listed on the Haskell in industry is also a good idea.


1 Academic positions

2 Industry positions

From the Haskell in industry page.

2.1 Related positions

2.2 Recruitment days

3 PhD/MSc Studentships

4 Internships

Retrieved from "http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Jobs"

This page has been accessed 31,457 times. This page was last modified 17:39, 3 October 2008. Recent content is available under a simple permissive license.