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The University has one main library in each campus: Braga and Guimarães. Foreign students are granted access to it after registration at the GRI when you are given an identification number.
To seek out the book you are looking for is quite easy, since all documents are registered in a database you can check from one of the many computers at your disposal in the library. You can also have access to the database from outside the library through the Internet, at the following address: http://www.sdum.uminho.pt
If you want to take a book home you must show your student card. Books can be requested for a period of time that varies from 1 to 15 days, depending on the book you want. After that you have to deliver it or make a new request. Do not forget to do so, otherwise you will have to pay a fine (0,50 € per extra day/per book).
You can also take copies of the books inside the library. To do that you must buy your own copier’s card in the ground floor of the library.
Please note that this information can only be applied to the main libraries in each campus.

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