Message from the President of the European Research Council

The creation of the European Research Council (ERC) by the common action of the political institutions of the European Union (the Commission, the Parliament and the Council of Ministers) represents a landmark event for science policy in our continent. By this action, Europe is taking a decisive step towards the formation of a common European Research Area.

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Professor Fotis C. Kafatos, FMRS
ERC President and Chairman of its Scientific Council.

Following the resignation of three Scientific Council members, President F. Kafatos said: "I would like to sincerely thank Professor Castells, Professor Crutzen and Professor Lord May for their loyal service as Scientific Council members. We greatly appreciate their invaluable contributions to our work and the significant amount of time and energy they have invested in their functions. We respect their decisions to withdraw at this point in time and wish them all the best for the future."