PRO-VE'08 -  9th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises - PRO-VE

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9th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises
Poznan, POLAND. 8 - 10 September 2008





Conference Program


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"Pervasive Collaborative Networks"
Collaborative Networks (CN) correspond to a very active and steadily growing area. Virtual enterprises / virtual organizations (VE/VO) are already supported by a large research and business practice community. Also, Professional Virtual Communities (PVC) suggest new ways of work and put the emphasis on collaborative networks of human actors. Further to these main lines, other collaborative forms and patterns of collaborative behavior are emerging. This is not only in industry, but also in service sector, as well as governmental and non-governmental social organizations, e.g. the collaborative networks for rescue missions in disaster situations, time bank organizations, virtual labs, grid manufacturing, elderly care, etc. The concept of breeding environment is now understood as a fundamental entity to enable the formation of dynamic collaborative organizations.

Recent research and developments emphasize the need for better understanding and characterization of the basic principles and mechanisms for planning and operation of collaborative networks. Building a sounder foundation, namely in terms of proper theoretical principles, ontology, and formal models capturing the concepts, entities, behavior, and operations of the CNs, continues as an important challenge. Understanding and being able to measure the benefits and risks of collaboration is another challenge. New value systems, adequate performance assessment methods and trust establishment approaches are needed in order to support value creation through collaborative networks.PRO-VE, as the most focused scientific / technical conference in the area, offers a major opportunity for the presentation and discussion of both the latest research developments and industrial practice case studies. Following the IFIP vision, PRO-VE offers a forum for collaboration among different regions of the world. This conference continues a series of successful conferences of PRO-VE’99 (held in Porto, Portugal), PRO-VE 2000 (Florianópolis, Brazil), PRO-VE’02 (Sesimbra, Portugal), PRO-VE’03 (Lugano, Switzerland), PRO-VE’04 (Toulouse, France), PRO-VE’05 (Valencia, Spain), PRO-VE’06 (Helsinki, Finland), and PRO-VE’07 (Guimarães, Portugal).

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