GTTSE 2007

Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering
2nd Summer School on

Generative and Transformational Techniques

in Software Engineering

2 - 7 July, 2007, Braga, Portugal


GTTSE 2007 is the second instance in a series of international summer schools on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering. The first instance was held in 2005, see GTTSE 2005, and its proceedings appeared as volume 4143 in Springer's LNCS series.

Call for participation

Scope and format

The summer school brings together PhD students, lecturers, technology presenters, as well as other researchers and practitioners who are interested in the generation and the transformation of programs, data, models, meta-models, and documentation. This concerns many areas of software engineering: software reverse and re-engineering, model-driven approaches, automated software engineering, generic language technology, to name a few. These areas differ with regard to the specific sorts of meta-models (or grammars, schemas, formats etc.) that underlie the involved artifacts, and with regard to the specific techniques that are employed for the generation and the transformation of the artifacts. The tutorials are given by renowned representatives of complementary approaches and problem domains. Each tutorial combines foundations, methods, examples, and tool support. The program of the summer school also features invited technology presentations, which present setups for generative and transformational techniques. These presentations complement each other in terms of the chosen application domains, case studies, and the underlying concepts. Furthermore, the program of the school also features a participants workshop. All students of the summer school will be invited to give a presentation about their ongoing work. They will be asked to submit a title and an abstract beforehand. The senior researchers present at the summer school will provide the students with feedback on their presentations. All summer school material will be collected in proceedings that are handed out to the participants. Formal proceedings will be compiled after the summer school, where all contributions are subjected to additional reviewing. The formal proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series of Springer.


  • Model-Based Evolution.
    Krzysztof Czarnecki, University of Waterloo.
  • Software Linguistics and Language Engineering.
    Jean-Marie Favre, University of Grenoble.
  • Software Reuse Beyond Components with XVCL.
    Stan Jarzabek, National University of Singapore.
  • OO queries over OO programs with .QL.
    Oege de Moor, Oxford University.
  • Data Transformation by Calculation.
    José Nuno Oliveira, University of Minho, Portugal.
  • How to Write Fast Numerical Code.
    Markus Pueschel, Carnegie Mellon University.
  • A Practical Guide to Building Staged Interpreters.
    Walid Taha, Rice University.
  • Domain-Specific Language Engineering.
    Eelco Visser, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

See also more detailed information on these tutorials.

Technology presentations

  • Optimizing Monolithic Compilation in the Google Web Toolkit.
    Scott Blum, Google, USA.
  • SAFARI: Meta-Tooling for Language-Specific IDE's in Eclipse.
    Robert M Fuhrer, IBM Watson Research Center, USA.
  • Model-Driven Engineering of Rules for Web Services.
    Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada.
  • Implementing Program Transformations with Tom and Java.
    Pierre-Etienne Moreau, INRIA/LORIA Nancy, France.
  • Building composable domain-specific language extensions for Java.
    Eric Van Wyk, University of Minnesota, USA.
  • Bidirectional model transformations.
    Perdita Stevens, University of Edinburgh, UK.
  • Techniques for lightweight DSL development in Converge.
    Laurence Tratt, King's College, London, UK.
  • Modularizing Context-dependent Behavioral Variations with Context-oriented Programming.
    Robert Hirschfeld, HPI, Germany.

See also more detailed information on these technology presentations.

Participants workshop

There will be a workshop for the participating students. To this end, all students of the summer school will be invited to give a presentation about their ongoing work. They will be asked to submit a title and an abstract beforehand. The senior researchers present at the summer school will provide the students with feedback on their presentations.


  • Generic language technology
  • Grammarware engineering
  • Language and document processing
  • Generative programming
  • Software development environments
  • Software reverse and re-engineering
  • Model-driven approaches
  • Aspect-oriented approaches
  • Automatic programming
  • Tutorials optimization
  • Feature-driven development
  • Product lines
  • Domain-specific languages
  • Application generation
  • Data re- and reverse engineering
  • Data integration
  • Object-relational mappings
  • Middleware technology
  • Term rewriting
  • Strategic programming
  • Graph transformation


The summer school will be held in the northern region of Portugal, known as the Costa Verde. The region is known for its attractiveness in terms of climate, prices, and culture. The region is served by the Oporto international airport, providing direct flights to many major European cities. Porto airport is also reachable by a number of low budget airlines listed here. In any case, it is critical to make a flight reservation at your earliest convenience since the flight tickets get considerably more expensive as we are approaching real summer. The event will take place in Hotel da Falperra, situated in the hills overlooking the city of Braga. Hotel da Falperra is a four star hotel that provides splendid seminar and leisure facilities including a swimming pool. The hotel is situated in a quiet and somewhat isolated mountain area, which promotes the interaction between senior and junior researchers. The hotel has good connections to the Braga city center (approx. 10 min).

For more information about the region and the city of Braga, try the following links:



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