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 sshpass 1.02
 by Shachar Shemesh - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 17:10 UTC

About: Sshpass is a tool for non-interactivly performing password authentication with SSH's so called "interactive keyboard password authentication". Most users should use SSH's more secure public key authentication instead.

Changes: This release moves away from Linux-specific functions to POSIX ones to support more platforms.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Code cleanup GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 JumpBox for Moodle Course Management System 1.1.3
 by Grid7 - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 17:07 UTC

About: The JumpBox for Moodle is a production ready installation of Moodle. Moodle is a course management system that allows educators to create online learning communities for their students. It has an open design with a large developer community creating plugins, themes, and modules. The JumpBox for Moodle is an easy way to get up to speed with Moodle and requires a minimal investment in time and money. It includes the JumpBox management tools and backup system to help make operations as simple as possible.

Changes: Some upstream packages have been updated.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Information Management
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards
Minor feature enhancements Free To Use But Restricted Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 JumpBox for Wordpress Blogging System 1.1.5
 by Grid7 - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 17:07 UTC

About: The JumpBox for Wordpress Blogging System allows anyone to be up and running with the Wordpress blogging platform in under a minute. JumpBoxes require virtualization software to run. They are self-contained instances that can be moved across OS's and hosting environments, and because they work as a single unit, they're perfect for offline development.

Changes: Wordpress has been updated to 2.6.2. Restoring from 1.0RC1 and newer JumpBox backups should work.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: News/Diary
Minor feature enhancements Free To Use But Restricted Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Visifire 1.1.4
 by Rohit Nadhani - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 17:06 UTC

About: Visifire is a set of data visualization components powered by Microsoft Silverlight. It lets you create and embed visually stunning animated Silverlight Charts within minutes. Visifire is easy to use and independent of the server side technology. It can be used with ASP, ASP.Net, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails, or just simple HTML. Visifire's unique features are visually stunning animated charts, the ability to be embedded into any Web page in minutes, a tiny footprint (140 KB), and enterprise grade features.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries
Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization
Software Development :: Libraries
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 MediaWiki 1.13.2
 by Tim Starling - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 17:06 UTC

About: MediaWiki is a Web-based collaborative editing environment. Originally built for the online encyclopedia project Wikipedia, it's geared to support a large number of users and pages.

Changes: An XSS vulnerability has been fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Wiki
Major security fixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Ion 20081002 (Ion3)
 by tuomov - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 17:05 UTC

About: Ion is a tiling (no overlapping windows) window manager that also has PWM-style tabbed frames which can contain multiple client windows. These features help to keep windows organized and to switch quickly between them. Ion was designed primarily as an efficient and unobtrusive window manager for users who prefer the keyboard.

Changes: This is another maintenance release that fixes some minor issues.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Window Managers Minor bugfixes Other/Proprietary License with Source Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 F*EX 20081002
 by Ulli Horlacher - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 17:05 UTC

About: F*EX (Frams' Fast File EXchange) is a Web based service to send very big files from one person to another. The sender uploads the file to the F*EX server and the recipient automatically gets a notification email with a download URL. The files will be automatically deleted after being downloaded or after an expiration date. The F*EX server itself is installed on a UNIX system, while the recipient and sender only need an email program and a Web browser of any kind on any operating system. Sending to multiple recipients needs storage on the server only once.

Changes: Some bugfixes. Unix and Windows clients have been added for file upload > 2 GB. There is optional user autoregistration, "I have lost my auth-ID" requests, and a mailing list.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Communications :: File Sharing
Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 WiKID Strong Authentication System 3.0.5 (Blackberry Wireless Token)
 by nowen - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 17:02 UTC

About: The WiKID Strong Authentication System is a highly scalable, secure two-factor authentication system. It is simple to implement and maintain, allows users to be validated automatically, requires no hardware tokens, has a simple API for application support (via Ruby, PHP, Java, COM, Python, etc.), supports multiple domains, and supports replication for fault tolerance and scalability. It also supports mutual /host and transaction authentication.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Security :: Cryptography
System :: Networking
Initial freshmeat announcement Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 quagga 0.99.11
 by Pilot - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 15:45 UTC

About: Quagga is a routing software suite, providing implementations of OSPF 2, OSPF 3, RIP 1 and 2, RIP 3 and BGP 4 for Unix platforms, particularly FreeBSD, Linux, and NetBSD.

Changes: This release was intentionally prepared as a release candidate with most regressions addressed. Users of all 0.99.x and 0.98.x branches are advised to upgrade to 0.99.11, so the next stable branch can be started as early as possible. Particular changes include initial bgpd TCP-MD5 support (only for IPv4 at the moment), crash fixes in bgpd, another RIB-FIB syncing attempt in the zebra daemon, and an OpenSolaris SFW update.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Networking
Code cleanup GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Dice3DS 0.10
 by aerojockey - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 15:39 UTC

About: Dice3DS is a set of Pure Python modules for dealing with 3D Studio format (*.3ds) files. It maps 3DS chunks into a hierarchical set of Python objects; it's a lot like how ElementTree works for XML files. Dice3DS requires Python 2.4 or higher, and Numpy. Note that it is not a wrapper for lib3ds.

Changes: Dice3DS now parses KFDATA blocks, and the example OpenGL code (often the only part people use) now takes the keyframe data into account when rendering models. Substantial improvements were made in loading speed by using OpenGL vertex arrays.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Graphics
Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Modeling
Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering
Major feature enhancements BSD License (revised) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Rockbox 3.0
 by Bj�rn Stenberg - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 15:37 UTC

About: Rockbox is a replacement firmware for MP3 players, written from scratch. It runs on a wide range of players from manufacturers such as Apple, Archos, Cowon, Iriver, Olympus, Sandisk, and Toshiba.

Changes: Lots of new targets, lots of new codecs, and loads of new features were added.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Players :: MP3
Software Development :: Embedded Systems
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Midgard Components Framework 8.09.0RC2 (Development)
 by Piotr Pokora - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 15:36 UTC

About: The Midgard Components Framework (also called MidCOM) is an advanced component architecture which extends the Midgard Web content management framework. It provides mechanisms for building a Web site using components without much need for writing code to glue all this together. The administration site gets built automatically by using those components. Goodies like a caching engine and subrequests make site building even easier.

Changes: This version is meant to ease transition from Web services using the deprecated Midgard 1.x APIs to the new Midgard2 architecture. Because of this, this release provides both API versions. This means that it can be used to run both Midgard 1 applications like the version 2.9 of the MidCOM component framework, and Midgard2 applications like MidCOM3.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management
Major feature enhancements GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Gallery 2.3 RC2 (2.0)
 by Chris Kelly - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 15:33 UTC

About: Gallery is a slick Web-based photo album written using PHP. It is easy to install, includes a config wizard, and provides users with the ability to create and maintain their own albums in the album collection via an intuitive Web interface. Photo management includes automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, rotation, ordering, captioning and more. Albums can have read, write, and caption permissions per individual authenticated user for an additional level of privacy.

Changes: Lots of new features were added and stability and performance were improved. A new and improved slideshow was added. akismet is used to guard against spam comments. SnapGalaxy is used as a new printing affiliate. SQLite 3.x and higher is supported.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 SAcc 1.81-RC2
 by slavik - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 15:32 UTC

About: SAcc is an access control system for Squid. It provides Web based account managment and restrictions.

Changes: The URL restriction generator was fixed. Error page installation is now automatic. The logfile is not reopened after the log has been rotated. Cloning ACLs on saving was fixed. ACL deletions were added. Some code cleanups were made.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: Log Analysis
System :: Systems Administration
Major bugfixes GNU General Public License v2 Homepage Tar/BZ2 Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Who? 0.1
 by Javier Valencia - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 15:29 UTC

About: Who? is a graphical interface for the Unix command "who". With color codes for user idle times and no need for configuration, it shows in realtime who logged into your machine and checks if each user is idle or not.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Monitoring Initial freshmeat announcement GNU General Public License v3 Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 Enhanced TightVNC Viewer 1.0.20
 by Karl Runge - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 15:28 UTC

About: The Enhanced TightVNC Viewer package is part of the x11vnc VNC server project. It provides a native VNC viewer that takes advantage of new features in x11vnc, e.g. cursor alpha blending and automatic SSL tunnelling. Some features apply to any VNC server, e.g. automatic SSH tunnelling. Another goal is to provide a package that conveniently bundles everything needed for the user to have the enhanced viewer running quickly. This includes pre-built binaries of the viewer and utility programs for Windows and many Unix variants, and a GUI to configure and launch the viewer. The short name for this project is "ssvnc", for SSL/SSH VNC viewer.

Changes: This release supports the UltraVNC repeater proxy and Single Click connection modes. SOCKS proxies and proxy chaining now work on Windows. UltraVNC file transfer is much improved. UltraVNC DSM encryption and general symmetric encryption modes are supported. Local machine port protection mechanisms are provided. A new option selects the X11 VNC Viewer on Mac OS X. The ZYWRLE encoding (a wavelet based extension to ZRLE) was added. The Unix Viewer's popup window is split into two columns and includes new actions.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Tools Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 phpCAS 1.0.1
 by Yann 'Ze' Richard - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 15:26 UTC

About: phpCAS is a client library for the ITS Central Authentication Service.

Changes: phpCAS is now PEAR-installable. A handleLogoutRequests() method was added to handle logout requests incoming from the CAS server. The setHttpProxy(), setNetworkInterface(), and setExtraCurlOptions() methods were added. An undesirable notice was removed. The PEAR DB dependency when storing PGTs to the filesytem was removed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development
Software Development :: Libraries
Software Development :: Libraries :: PHP Classes
Major feature enhancements BSD License (revised) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Web Help Desk 9.1.7
 by MacsDesign Studio LLC - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 15:25 UTC

About: The Web Help Desk is a Web-based helpdesk software system that allows you to dynamically assign, track, and fulfill all of your technical support trouble tickets and customer service requests with ease, all through an intuitive Web-based interface and two-way email integration. The Web Help Desk software also provides seamless asset discovery and remote control integration with Apple Remote Desktop, LANrev Client Manager, and JAMF Casper Suite.

Changes: JAMF Casper Suite asset discovery was integrated. A location importer/exporter was added. Custom tool links were added for integrating with other asset tools (e.g., Remote Desktop Web Connection). If using an Oracle database, the application now checks during upgrades for any missing primary-key sequences, creating them if necessary. The ability to select client recipients of scheduled reports was added.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Information Management
Information Management :: Issue Tracking
Major feature enhancements Shareware Homepage Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Directory Synchronize Pro 1.0b6
 by Omid Givi - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 15:16 UTC

About: Directory Synchronize is a powerful, easy-to-configure tool to synchronize the contents of one directory with another. It can compare files by various attributes, such as size or modified-date. It can synchronize an unlimited number of directories, and has a detailed logging function.

Changes: Some bugfixes and some minor enhancements were made.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Tools
System :: Archiving :: Backup
System :: Archiving :: Mirroring
N/A GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Zip Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 abcMIDI 2008_09_28
 by Guido Gonzato - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 15:09 UTC

About: The abcMIDI suite consists of programs for turning ABC music files into MIDI and vice versa, typesetting them as PostScript files, and manipulate them in several ways.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 DSI utilities 1.0.7
 by Sebastiano Vigna - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 10:29 UTC

About: The DSI utilities are a mixed collection of classes accumulated during the last ten years in projects developed at the DSI (Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, i.e., Information Sciences Department) of the Universit� degli Studi di Milano.

Changes: Some new methods make it possible to store and quickly read bit vectors. There are a few fixes for LongArrayBitVector.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries Minor feature enhancements GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 abcm2ps 5.9.1 (Development)
 by Guido Gonzato - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 10:14 UTC

About: abcm2ps is a package that converts music tunes from ABC format to PostScript. Based on abc2ps version 1.2.5, it was developed mainly to print baroque organ scores that have independant voices played on one or more keyboards, and a pedal-board. It introduces many extensions to the ABC language that make it suitable for classical music.

Changes: The decorations +/+, +//+, and +///+ (which place tremolo on one note) were added. Several major bugs were fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Printing Major bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 libkate 0.2.2
 by ogg.k.ogg.k - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 10:14 UTC

About: Kate is a codec for karaoke and text encapsulation for Ogg. Most of the time, this would be multiplexed with audio/video to carry subtitles, song lyrics (with or without karaoke data), etc, but it doesn't have to be. A possible use of a lone Kate stream would be an e-book. Moreover, the motion feature gives Kate a powerful means to describe arbitrary curves, so hand drawing of shapes can be achieved. This was originally meant for karaoke use, but can be used for any purpose. Motions can be attached to various semantics, like position or color, so scrolling or fading text can be defined.

Changes: Several memory leaks on error code paths were fixed. Building was fixed when doxygen isn't found.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Libraries
Minor bugfixes BSD License (revised) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 RackTables 0.16.3
 by Pilot - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 10:13 UTC

About: RackTables is a tool to manage tens of racks, hundreds of servers, and thousands of MAC and IP addresses. It will work with a single rack as well. It features a real-life rackspace model, typed rack objects with flexible attribute sets, a tagging system, IP address management ready for NAT, virtual routers and load balancers, accurate network connection handling, a universal search function, a multi-user access model, and an extensible dictionary.

Changes: This release fixes a lot of minor bugs and introduces two notable changes into the user interface. First is that RackCode editing is now more convenient due to syntax highlighting and an improved semantic checker. Second is that IPv4 networks aren't a flat list any more, but group themselves into a tree according to the standard CIDR relations. Several database structure issues have also been fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Database :: Front-Ends
Information Management :: Records Management
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License v2 Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 JLanguageLearn 1.3.0
 by Sebastian Parkitny - Thu, Oct 2nd 2008 10:11 UTC

About: JLanguageLearn is a generic language course. It is based on Java and XML. You can define your own lessons in an easy way, and lessons are displayed in a graphical user interface. An editor is included for creating lessons.

Changes: This version finally contains the functionality to configure FTP servers.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Education Major feature enhancements Free for non-commercial use Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

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- Red Hat: Updated kernel packages fix various security issues (Sep 28th)
- Red Hat: Updated seamonkey packages fix a security issues (Sep 28th)
- Red Hat: An updated firefox package fixes various security issues (Sep 28th)

1. MPlayer 100.00%
2. Linux 86.38%
3. cdrtools 79.48%
4. Apache 72.20%
5. gcc 71.72%
6. VLC media player 67.06%
7. PHP 64.05%
8. TightVNC 59.53%
9. PostgreSQL 54.84%
10. MySQL 54.12%


- sshpass 1.02
- JumpBox for Moodle Course Management System 1.1.3
- JumpBox for Wordpress Blogging System 1.1.5
- Visifire 1.1.4
- MediaWiki 1.13.2
- Ion 20081002 (Ion3)
- F*EX 20081002
- WiKID Strong Authentication System 3.0.5 (Blackberry Wireless Token)
- quagga 0.99.11
- Dice3DS 0.10
- Rockbox 3.0
- Midgard Components Framework 8.09.0RC2 (Development)
- Gallery 2.3 RC2 (2.0)
- SAcc 1.81-RC2
- Who? 0.1
- Enhanced TightVNC Viewer 1.0.20
- phpCAS 1.0.1
- Web Help Desk 9.1.7
- Directory Synchronize Pro 1.0b6
- abcMIDI 2008_09_28
- DSI utilities 1.0.7
- abcm2ps 5.9.1 (Development)
- libkate 0.2.2
- RackTables 0.16.3
- JLanguageLearn 1.3.0 «
- Tellmatic
- LinuxConsole 1.0.2008 DVD
- Zen Flash Gallery CS3 Component 1.0
- Open Palmtop Integrated Environment 1.2.4
- Tine 2.0 Summer Release 2008 Beta 1
- cloc 1.05
- Asgard Free Software RPG 0.3.1
- Unworkable 0.51
- Visual Spell Demo 1.0.0
- werc
- Marvim 0.4
- Gutuma Newsletter Management 1.6
- Amahi Linux Home Server 9.a8 (Development)
- SliderWindow 0.6
- CoASTaL 0.95
- 1.0.0

- Parallel Performance Wizard 1.2
- LambdaRogue 1.2
- Bazaar VCS 1.7
- Vacuum Magic 0.6
- JumpBox for SugarCRM 5.x 1.1.3
- VLC media player 0.9.3 (Stable)
- FreeVikings 0.6
- OpenNMS 1.5.96 (Unstable)
- gPXE 0.9.5
- phpDiplomacy 0.82
- ServiceFixture 0.9
- RCC-Java 1.0.0
- Zibu 0.3.3
- openTimetool 2.2.1
- sysstat 8.1.6
- Python Multimodal Hub 0.9 BETA
- filofant 1.1.7
- PyMVPA 0.3.1
- gnoMint 0.5.4
- The Gamebook Engine 0.2.0 Beta
- Licq 1.3.6
- Musical MIDI Accompaniment 1.4
- Droopy 20081001
- Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator and Encoder 4.3
- Solido Smtp Proxy 5.0 build 55
- Gecode/R 1.0.0
- Kwok Information Server 2.6.8
- sshguard 1.3
- Linux Test Project ltp-20080930
- fwknop 1.9.8
- Solving Constraint Integer Programs 1.1.0
- OVAL Interpreter 5.5.3
- PesterCat 2.5.2
- Spket IDE 1.6.16
- webERP cvs-20080929
- Policy Daemon v2.0.5 (2.x (Cluebringer))
- V_Sim 3.4.99-1 (Development)
- Two-Spot 2 alpha
- MiniTicTacToe 0.9.3
- XSD 3.2.0
- Xerces-C++ 3.0.0
- LilyKDE 0.6.3
- YaCy 0.60
- Zoop 1.5
- GIMP 2.6.0
- SVNKit 1.2.0
- TurtolCMS 0.6.1
- poppler 0.9.3 (Development)
- AgileWiki 9-0 (Element Model)
- Monitorix 1.2.1
- Telemeta 0.3.3
- GNU Libidn 1.10
- JumpBox for Bugzilla 1.1.2
- Vulture 1.99
- lm_sensors 3.0.3 (Stable)
- BashDiff 1.45
- Eclim 1.4.2
- Kevux 0.8.10
- aiParts 0.9.2
- Lzip 0.5
- WebGUI 7.6.0
- xmlTreeNav 0.3.1
- libxmldiff / xmldiff 0.2.6
- Property Set Library 1.0.0 RC2
- LanguageTool 0.9.4
- NetSecL 2.3
- JGraph (JGraph X)
- Web100 1.7 (Userland)
- Asus Display 0.1

- WiKID Strong Authentication System 3.1.2
- Laconica 0.6.0
- mxGraph
- Kettle 3.1.0
- BRL-CAD 7.12.6
- Web100 2.5.21 (Stable)
- planetGenesis 1.9
- flimp 0.0.6
- Dolphin Accounting Software 7.0
- storebackup 2.0-rc1
- Botan 1.7.14 (Development)
- bashstyle-ng 7.2
- update-zoneinfo 0.16
- Interkonekto 0.8
- ModSecurity 2.5.7 (Stable)
- Necromancer's Dos Navigator 2.31.1909
- Zenoss Core 2.2.4
- POMStrap 1.0.12
- SysUsage 2.9
- Shoebot 0.1
- MCS MyRoute 8.1c
- YourKit Java Profiler 7.5.7
- libQTidy 0.2.1
- AKVIS Coloriage 6.0
- Jspresso framework 2.2
- GNU ddrescue 1.9-rc1 (Development)
- Social Networks Visualiser 0.48
- SquidClamAv 3.6
- Spensierato Pre-Release 5
- Groogle 0.7.1
- schily 2008-09-29
- ExactImage 0.6.2
- FoodBrowser 1.3 Beta
- rsyslog 3.21.5 (Development)
- Talend Open Profiler 1.1.0
- Deliantra MORPG Client 0.9977
- ExactScan 2.1.0
- Vuurmuur 0.7beta1 (Pre-releases)
- HopSlide 1.4.12
- Coldtags suite 3.50
- httpx 0.0.3
- ProcessMaker OSS 1.1-1947
- pulse 2.0.12 (Beta)
- Imaginary Microcomputers R5
- Domain Name Portfolio 1.0.2
- msort 8.50
- TaoCrypt 0.9.6

- sux0r 2.0 Beta1
- Pukka 1.7.2
- STUBS and Franki/Earlgrey Linux 0.9.5-2pre2 (Earlgrey Linux)
- rsvndump 0.4
- Lbzip2 0.06a
- nmr-relax 1.3.1 (Development)
- diggZ-Et 1.2.0
- FET 5.7.0
- Ruby Documenting Tool 0.04-02
- UvumiTools Odometer 1.0.0
- phlyMail Lite 3.6.33
- Babel Router 0.16
- GNOME Mplayer 0.8.0
- Gecko Media Player 0.8.0
- JPdfUnit 1.0
- system-config-printer 1.0.8 (Stable)
- fuse-zip 0.2.6
- EDB (Evan's Debugger) 0.9.5
- LDAP Account Manager 2.4.0.RC1 (Unstable)
- SMI 0.9.9q
- MyPatients 2.2.3
- GIMP SCRIPT-FUs for 2.4 14th release
- RPhoto 0.3.2
- Recovery Is Possible! 6.8 (Stable)
- OpenSSL 0.9.8i
- Pango 1.22.0
- SMPlayer 0.6.3
- Gnarwl 3.5
- tox 1.1 build 0
- The Blue Programming Language 1.6.7
- libv4l 0.5.0
- Midgard Components Framework 2.9.0RC (Development)
- Midgard 8.09.0RC
- phpLogCon 2.5.12 (Beta)
- xorriso 0.2.6.pl01
- Midgard Components Framework 2.8.23 (Stable)
- Dashel 1.0.0
- BarPanel 0.5.0
- rejoystick 0.8.1
- Scilab 5.0.2 (Stable)
- NTFS-3G 1.2918SR.1 (Ownership and Permissions Support)
- libtiger 0.2.1


- News: Researchers weigh "clickjacking" threat
- News: Security of Google's browser gets mixed marks
- News: Online intruders hit Red Hat, Fedora Project
- News: Researchers race to zero in record time
- Brief: TCP flaws allow deadly DoS attacks, finders say
- Brief: Washington AG files spyware lawsuits
- Brief: Hack-and-tell student quits school, awaits trial
- Brief: Apple, Cisco fix serious security flaws
- News: TJX employee fired for exposing shoddy security
- News: Thoughts of a Teenage Bot Master :: Features
- FSF high priority list becomes a campaign, seeks donations
- Project management over the Web with Collabtive
- Sbopkg provides seamless package repository integration for Slackware
- OpenGoo delivers the best of CRM and project management
- Simplify system security with the Uncomplicated Firewall
- Push and pull network filesystems with ccgfs
- Video tour: Bluefish editor
- Keep tabs on your finances with HomeBank
- x2x is a software alternative to a KVM switch
- Setting up your own certificate authority with gnoMint

- Researchers Re-Examine Second Law of Thermodynamics
- Skype Messages Monitored In China
- Now Google's CAPTCHA Is Broken
- New Nintendo DSi Announced
- Cheaper Car Insurance For Gamers
- Schneier On Scareware Vendor Lawsuits
- Toxic Fumes From Mac Pros?
- Sysadmin Steals Almost 20,000 Pieces of Computer Equipment
- Hackers Clone Elvis' Passport
- Credit Card Security Standard Issued

ThinkGeek: What's New
- Gadgets: Car Chip Pro Engine Performance Monitor
- Gadgets: USB 8GB Flash Drive Lighter
- Gadgets: 26-Piece PC Repair Tool Kit
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- Caffeine: Caffeine Candy Sampler v8.0
- Geek Toys: EyeClops Night Vision Goggles
- Geek Toys: R2 Fish Training School Kit
- Gadgets: Dissolving Travel Toiletries

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