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Connection with the Environment

The University has a strong connection with the surrounding socio-economic and cultural environment, and has greatly contributed to the regions dynamic economic development.

This permanent bond with community at large - schools, companies, local administrative bodies, non-profit organisations, among others – has enabled the creation of many successful partnerships in research and development projects. 

Its substantial role in the qualification of graduates for positions in businesses, and in the vitalisation of the cultural and scientific milieu, is unquestionable. 

In order to enhance its interaction with the Community, the University of Minho has supported the creation of a group of Scientific and Technological (Competence) Interface Centres:

  • Centre for Graphic Computation (CCG);
  • Centre for Polymer Engineering Innovation (PIEP);
  • Centre for the Valorisation of Residues (CVR);
  • Technological Research Centre for Roads and related Infrastructures (CITRA)
  • TecSense Centre
  •  TecMinho Centre.

These Centres along with other Interface structures - such as CITEVE, IDITEMinho, ICTPOL, IGAP, and IDARN have developed extension activities with specific sectors in their respective areas.

The Carlos Lloyd Braga Foundation also contributes significantly to reinforce these connections with the environment.


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