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Documentation - Learning TYPO3

Just in case you are a bookworm, we recommend you to buy the official TYPO3 book!

As you might know, TYPO3 has a huge amount of documentation (see the menu on the left side!), but it is hard to find a way through it, especially for newcomers. This is your guide through the documentation jungle. If you want to learn TYPO3, start with step one and work your way through. You won't learn TYPO3 in a day.

Reading the docs might be time-consuming, but challenging and insightful.
Make sure you check back to this page often not to loose the overview. Support the association, buy this book at amazon or the german version. In case you want to support the TYPO3 project, buy your amazon books thru this link.

1. Installation

The Installation and upgrade guide describes the steps needed to install TYPO3. It covers the basic directory hierarchy, as well as the whole installation procedure.
Currently, the document is quite old, and will be updated soon. Anyways, it still contains a lot of useful information.

2. Getting started

The Getting Started document will introduce you to the basic principles of TYPO3. You will get started hands-on with your first TYPO3 website. After this tutorial you will have an idea of the capabilities of TYPO3 as well as the complexities involved.

Other languages: German | French | Spanish | Danish

3. Templating

The goal of the Modern Template Building tutorial is to equip you with the techniques for creating a TYPO3 powered website from scratch and you will get an introduction to the mysteries of TypoScript.

Other languages: German | French | Spanish | Netherlandais

If the traditional column concept or the provided content elements do not offer enough flexibility for your project, check out the Futuristic Template Building tutorial, which introduces the features of TemplaVoilà to you.

Other languages: French

4. Learning more about TypoScript

You now want to learn more about TypoScript? We suggest to start with TypoScript Syntax and In-depth Study, where you can get information about the nature of TypoScript and its syntax.

Afterwards, you should go on with TypoScript By Example, it will give you real-world solutions. While working through "TypoScript By Example", you will learn how to find your way through the TypoScript Reference (TSref) and the TSconfig Reference. Those two references will be your steady companion throughout your TYPO3 career.
Congratulations! You have now learned most of the techniques needed to build websites with TYPO3.

5. Getting an in-depth overview

Now we suggest you to read chapter two of the Inside TYPO3 document to get an overview how the components of the TYPO3 framework work together.

6. Extensions

Please notice that each extension has its own documentation.

If you want to learn how to program your own extensions, skim through the TYPO3 Coding Guidelines, Inside TYPO3 and TYPO3 Core API.
Afterwards, you can continue with Modern Template Building - Part 2 and 3.


We hope this TYPO3 learning guide was helpful to you! You can now explore the TYPO3 universe on your own, check the menu on the left for many helpful resources! Have fun using TYPO3, if you have any questions or want to help, visit the Community pages!

Have fun with TYPO3,

your typo3.org team