Office: 2.15
Tel: + 351 253 604458
Fax: + 351 253 604471
mbb AT
PGP Key (E9CE 20A1 76FB 37CB 6FFE  2DE8 DBFA 11C8 F4E3 942F)

Back in 1996 I graduated in Electrical and Computer Engineering from FEUP, in Porto.

I got my M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, where I studied from 1996 to 2000.  During that time I was working in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in conformance testing CANopen implementations.

In 2001 I joined the Departamento de Informática  at Universidade do Minho.

In the last few years my research interests have shifted towards cryptography and security, which I also teach. During the first semester of 2005 I was visiting the Information Security and Cryptography group in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bristol.

Here is a list of my recent publications. .

Here are links to the modules I teach: Criptografia Aplicada, Paradigmas da Programação 1/Programação Funcional, Criptografia MECOM