Blackboard is committed to the accessibility of our e-Education platform. We are working with leaders in the accessibility field to contemplate industry standards and federal guidelines for accessibility.

In this section of our Web site, you can find out more about what Blackboard's accessibility projects, how we're making our software more accessible for all users, and answers to frequently asked questions about accessibility.

Is the Blackboard Learning System ADA compliant? What about screen readers? What new accessibility features were added to the current version of the platform? Find the answers to these questions and more.

Implementation of Section 508
A detailed look at how the Blackboard Learning System and the Blackboard Community System addresses section 508 standards.

Find out more about Blackboard's work with the Utah State University Center for Persons with Disabilities and the TLT Group in the WebAIM (Web Accessibility In Mind) project. Learn about the Standards for Accessible Learning Technologies (SALT) partnership, where Blackboard is working with the National Center for Accessible Media and the IMS Global Consortium to develop and promote open access specifications for accessible learning technologies. More...

More resources to help you create accessible course content in Blackboard Learning System.

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