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FUNDRAISER a group of people are raising money for a cause.

phpwcms: permissions, blog and comments

This project sought a total of: $6000
with a minimum contribution of
$10.00 per person
$6250.00 collected

Payment has been disbursed to the group leader.

Start Time:
05/12/2007 07:47 AM EST
Time Finished:
06/06/2007 11:59 PM EST

06/06/2007 11:59 PM EST
$20.00 info@...
$60.00 joachim@...
$10.00 fabian@...
$50.00 ben@...
$20.00 eprofile@...
$10.00 paypal@...
$40.00 paypal@...
$70.00 df6ih@...
$110.00 uwe.twelker@...
$120.00 kudi@...
$350.00 info@...
$10.00 admin@...
$20.00 info@...
$100.00 webmaster@...
$50.00 wkilian@...
$50.00 marcos.peebles@...
$30.00 andrea_berga@...
$100.00 tom.tom@...
$60.00 paypal@...
$100.00 mail@...
$10.00 abrf@...
$200.00 jayenne@...
$20.00 angelo.signore@...
$130.00 Ralf.Bischoff@...
$10.00 info@...
$20.00 marco.d@...
$10.00 philipp.kyeck@...
$10.00 post@...
$100.00 mikkolevanen@...
$100.00 wolfgang.kubens@...
$20.00 alexkink@...
$20.00 jwaldeck@...
$10.00 sales@...
$30.00 jannik.c.hofmann@...
$150.00 finances@...
$20.00 dmr1@...
$20.00 sales@...
$20.00 mads@...
$100.00 info@...
$20.00 hulkie@...
$20.00 juergen.kraemer@...
$10.00 erairan@...
$50.00 markus@...
$60.00 baravoglia@...
$400.00 info@...
$50.00 info@...
$20.00 dimatx.spam@...
$20.00 ma@...
$40.00 hendrik.schirmann@...
$200.00 marco.schmid@...
$50.00 scalper@...
$50.00 claus@...
$200.00 atc.gerritsen@...
$10.00 order@...
$60.00 kobe@...
$50.00 stttvok@...
$60.00 hendrik@...
$20.00 pierre@...
$10.00 attila@...
$20.00 info@...
$10.00 ebay@...
$20.00 permjensen@...
$130.00 webmaster@...
$20.00 d.feldermann@...
$600.00 mail@...
$30.00 accounts@...
$10.00 forum@...
$10.00 ebay@...
$100.00 barthe@...
$50.00 koesters@...
$10.00 info@...
$10.00 dennis@...
$520.00 communication@...
$30.00 bart@...
$20.00 richardp@...
$20.00 schellitour@...
$10.00 timbarker@...
$120.00 markusweichselbaum@...
$120.00 marlenedeschl@...
$40.00 niels@...
$70.00 mdwyer@...
$10.00 florian.friedrichs@...
$10.00 mailtom@...
$50.00 fundable@...
$50.00 sven.syfrig@...
$10.00 andreas.hartje@...
$10.00 chelfert@...
$100.00 volkspost@...
$10.00 domdey@...
$150.00 christian.kretz@...
Group Leader:


[ebay rating]
Web Site

Added Benefits for Contributors:
Benefit for contributors: you will get access to development blog and special support by email.

The open source content management system phpwcms has limited functionality regarding permissions in frontend and backend. Development process can be accelerated by your support.

Following tasks are planned:

  • Usergroups
  • Better user administration
  • Usergroup based permissions
    • read/write/view
    • grant access to content in frontend/backend
    • which modules can be access
  • better frontend login
  • frontend user administration/profile
  • frontend user registration
  • workflow: write/edit & publish & archive
  • blog module for phpwcms
  • global comments for article without need to add content part
  • general module to see/edit all comments
List of tasks are just draft and as always will/can be enhanced!


Posted by Anonymous User at 2007-05-12 17:33
Neben der FE und BE Verwaltung ist für mich die BLOG Erweiterung äußerst interessant.
Nicht, daß ich die anderen Features als unwichtig bezeichnen würde... ;)



Posted by Anonymous User at 2007-05-14 06:02
Phpwcms ist super! Das was aber fehlt ist ein online shop Modul.

Hi all

Posted by montana at 2007-05-14 07:06
It's good to see you here - Now make a pledge so that all those wishes you have asked for in the forum come true :)


Mehr Templates

Posted by Anonymous User at 2007-05-15 01:14
Ich wünsche mir eine größere "community" bei den Templates. Gerade sog. Admins können zwar cms+mysql etc. installieren, müssen sich aber oft genung auch "um den Rest" kümmern, wie z.B. das Design. Schon öfter habe ich gehört, das einer das eine oder andere cms aufgrund der vielzahl an verfügbaren Templates gewählt hat.

MfG Mario

user management

Posted by Anonymous User at 2007-05-18 15:15
This will be very important development for our organisation and we hope this project will be successful!

splette & mckingtom


Posted by Anonymous User at 2007-05-19 17:21
Keep the good work Oli and thank you for providing us with such a nice software!

Some funds added! :)


funny ;-)

Posted by Anonymous User at 2007-05-21 10:15
Funny to see all the time the same users...
A happy phpwcms user
Greetz Monz@

Keep up the good work

Posted by Anonymous User at 2007-05-22 04:01
We have several PHPWCMS installations for various projects in our company. PHPWCMS turns out to be a good tool. It is sufficiently open and flexible and at the same time is simple enough for contributors to use. The intended additions however,are very welcome.
Ton G.


Posted by Anonymous User at 2007-05-22 08:04
mit etwas verständnis ist phpwcms supergenial. Die Möglichkeiten sind nahezu unbegrenzt.

Was aber wirklich noch fehlt, wär ein kleines Shopmodul für ein paar Artikel.

multilingual sites

Posted by Anonymous User at 2007-05-22 10:58
without any more cluttering the backend's site structure
If there's any chance to get this implemented, while working on phpwcms it would be really cool considering this (like with plone, zencart and so on...). Couldn't be that difficult, could it?
If this is too much for this pledge, then...
start another one (a little bit kind of joking ;-) )

Thanks Oliver!

Posted by Anonymous User at 2007-05-28 08:01
I am a fan of phpwcms and use it on several sites now. My donation to this project is a VERY small price to pay for all the function I get out of it! Thanks!


Ww, thank you very much

Posted by slackero at 2007-06-01 12:33
This is amazing! You made it real!

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