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Latest Final Version:

phpwcms 1.3.3
RELEASED: 02.05.20075/2/2007




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{docu} phpWCMS {/docu}

Documentation for phpWCMS

Version 1.2.9

Installation / Upgrade

We still working on an Installtion / Upgrade tutorial


We recommend to update existing phpwcms installations to the latest phpwcms version 1.2.6 wich is has been available since 24.04.2006. Because this one will fix the known security risks.




Please pay attention to the newly created faq system. When there are questions or answers missing, write us or compose the question(s) directly in the faq system!





Welcome to the project „Documentation For The Web Content Management System phpWCMS“. Whether you are new to content management systems or consider changing to phpwcms – to make working with phpWCMS easy for you we aim to cover all areas of working with it: from installation and set-up to editing of articles and the maintenance of the completed site.

We will give you a short overview of the structure of this site: Under Installation you will find everything you need to know in order to install and set up phpWCMS, be it your first installation or an update. Here you also will be able to find information about the most important configuration settings.

The section The Docu covers all aspects of using the backend of the system. Here you will find everything from article creation over the file area to the administration section. If you should come across difficulties working with phpWCMS, please look up Error Messages. Answers to any of your questions you might also be able to find in the support forum.

Please remember that the entire project is run by volunteers in their spare time. So far not all areas are covered by this documentation, but we are working hard on it! We welcome your feedback and suggestions in our guestbook, or you can send an email to the phpwcms-docu team.

We hope you enjoy working with phWCMS.

The phpwcms-docu team 

Article created: 2004/08/23 Last Changes: 2007/04/30
In case you find any mistakes or have enhancments, please use this form .

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