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phpwcms 1.3.3
RELEASED: 02.05.2007


phpmyfaq - the faq system
phpmyfaq - the faq system


English > Add On's

Add On's

In this Section you will find enhancements for phpWCMS that do not need any source code changes.


For useing add on's please edit following settings in your

In row 71 + 72 change both values to 1.

$phpwcms["allow_ext_init"]    = 1; 
$phpwcms["allow_ext_render"]  = 1;

Have you already develop an Add-On? If you want, send it to us with a short description. So we can publish it here. But please send only those that don’t need any source code changes for this section.

Article created: 2005/01/09 Last Changes: 2005/05/29
In case you find any mistakes or have enhancments, please use this form .

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