Tips ‘n’ Tutorials

By Danny Wirken


Blogs have now become the most widely used word in Internet fraternity. This is an alarming word which is used for entertainment and serious business. Now more and more businesses are relying on blogs and amazingly they are succeeding too. You can now find millions of blog posts in numerous blogging sites. Blogs are gradually picking momentum as more and more businesses are realizing the benefits of blog. You must have heard this word in various sites and portals. Blogging is now a common thing which every netizen knows and uses. Transforming this to a business tool need little knowledge and good writing skills. But, what exactly is this business blog? And what benefit it can provide for your business? If these are the questions popping up in your mind then read on.

Business Blogging

Blogging all the way

Blog is basically a webpage containing articles, posts, reviews, in a nut shell writings. These are usually short, frequently updated write ups. Blog has come from the word web blog, which means writing in the web. Blog was started as the online diary where you can write your experience, moments and everything that you write in your diary. Jorn Barger is the mind behind the creation of Blog. It all started in the year 1997. But after two year, in 1999, there was a storm of blogs. Blogs became the talk of the town as almost all net users started blogging. Since then blogs were started mushrooming. They become thousands to millions. This new concept was influencing everybody. No matter what’s your age or how educated you are, now everybody reads and writes blogs. Blogs are broadly divided into the following two general categories.
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Live Chat Issues

Author: Danny Wirken

Communication is the buzz word in today’s business scenario. Whether you are a small company with a limited resource and men power or a big enterprise with a huge turnover, everybody needs to communicate with their clients for better understanding and better business. Besides telephone and mailing there is another communication medium which is instant and preferred by almost all companies, that’s Live Chat. Offering live chat services on your website for enquiries and customer support is an inexpensive way to communicate with your clients. This has increased business and sales for many online businesses. But live chat services should not be taken lightly as this is the only medium which gives you the opportunity to talk to your clients. You need to be extra cautious while starting a live chat service in your site. Though my experience with this communication mode isn’t that pleasant but I can definitely tell you what your customers expect while using your live chat, after all, we all are also customers aren’t we?

Live Chat

Response Time

While chatting with your clients try to be fast and lucid. Nothing irritates a client more than the ‘on hold’ time. Don’t increase your on hold duration more than five minutes. If you won’t respond your client will search another service provider and you might loose a potential customer. Nobody wants to be ignored and if he/she is a client then they will certainly move away from your site. If you will put your clients in hold then they might feel ignored and after all who has the time to wait for your reply when there are numerous service providers are available in market. This is quite simple that an annoyed customer not only takes business from your but hinder others to give business. As the saying goes ‘bad words reach faster than light’, so you should not leave a single opportunity to serve your clients. Let’s say for example you are at the billing counter of a grocery shop and the operator is busy chatting with friends, how would you feel at that time?

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Articles are a now a prime traffic generation source. Articles provide content and which accommodates your search terms and these can make you more popular among search engines. If you have a website then the idea is that you can create an article site which will have thousands of articles available for reproduction. These articles attract search engine and visitors towards your site. Once traffic is in your site they might click your affiliate links and advertising. If your articles can attract traffic then few visitors can even become your potential customers. So creating an article site or articles page is a profitable option in online marketing. When people will come to your site for articles then chance is that they might go through your site also. If you are planning to create an articles site or page then you need to remember few basic things before starting your work. Some of the most important points are detailed below. I hope these points can guide you to build a better article site.



Topic is the most important aspect of your articles. Before you start writing decide the topic of your articles. You should have topics which are relevant and current. Stale or steal topics can’t generate business for you. Articles site is required for generating revenue and you can’t afford to write unwanted articles in your site. Browse as many sites as you can, this gives you more exposure and you can come to know about more relevant topics through browsing. You can add your keywords in your topics this can get you easy visibility. If you are a site selling flowers then you should include every single topic related to flower, gardening and other relevant topics.
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The company that cried wolf

Author: Danny Wirken

What I have to say in this review about the bulk auction site, can be summed up in one phrase, “ IS NOT CREDIBLE.�

The crimes perpetuated by constitute a very grave infraction—fraudulence. Although the truth of that statement can be proven by the numerous posts, comments, and reviews available online that are testimonials to the abomination that is, there is still an even better way of doing so. The good news is that one does not need to go too far and it only requires very little effort, since the proofs can already be seen right on the site itself!

The Terms and Conditions Page

I just want to know why Liquidity Services, Inc., the company behind, even bothered putting up a page that contains their “Terms and Conditions�. Last I checked, documents such as this contain specific rules that bind the product or service provider and its client or customer to responsibilities and obligations which in turn give protection to both parties.

Apparently, most of the clauses in’s “Terms and Conditions� are merely for show. The company seems to have no intention of following the rules that the company itself made.

For example,

5.1 … Failure of a Seller to complete the sale of assets to a qualified Buyer because of non-delivery or misrepresentation of the merchandise could result in damages payable to the Company up to a maximum amount of $20,000. In the event that a seller is not able to complete the transaction or ship the goods due to unforeseen circumstances, the Buyer cannot hold either the Seller or the Company liable for damages…

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Online business or E-commerce like any other business needs knowledge, diligence and awareness. Yes, I won’t say hard work because if you are doing something wrong with lot of hard work then it is an utter wastage. So a good and profitable e-commerce requires information about the market and few basic rules of the business. E-commerce is an online business where you can’t coax customers personally, so you need to have a website which adeptly represents your business and ideas. Hence you need to pay special attention towards the designing and development of your website. There are few other important points which are involved in building an infallible e-commerce website.


Website Design

Website is like the online storefront of your product and services. Most of the netizen surf Internet for window shopping or simple browsing. But, your site should have the capability to convert them to become your potential customers. If you are designing an e-commerce website then you need to consider some details like ease of use, right choice of color and many more. You should design a website which should look professional and depicts your business orientation. Put special attention to the site development as your site should always look fresh and appealing. Your website should be focused to your target audience and should have been made with a thoughtful approach.

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