
New release of phpwcms is out now: welcome v1.3.3!

Download phpwcms v1.3.3 (.ZIP)phpwcms release 1.3.3 (Release date: May 2, 2007) can be downloaded from If you need help always try support forum first or check The old project site will be updated soon. To stay informed about new releases it is recommend subscribing to our mailing list.

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phpwcms is an Open Source web content management system released under the GNU General Public License. You can use it for free. phpwcms is optimized for fast and easy setup and works on any standard web server platform that supports PHP/MySQL and was tested successfully on Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista, Mac OS X and LINUX. phpwcms is perfect for professional, public and private users. It is very easy to learn and gives you the flexibility to separate layout and content. Lots of powerful but simple implemented features assists publishers and web developers too.

Copyright © 2002—2007 Oliver Georgi. All rights reserved. Email