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 Partner And Circuit Tracking (PACT) 1.1.1
 by Conformix Technologies - Mon, Sep 25th 2006 02:18 PDT

About: PACT is a LAMP-based application to manage connections and circuits for business partners, affiliates, and branch offices. The system tracks telecommunications circuits so that a company keeps track of which circuit is used for what purpose. The system also allows you to do cost comparison with average industry cost for a specific circuit type. This is to ensure you are not paying your service providers more than others. The system provides many graphical reports to analyze circuit types, cost comparison, partners, and so on.

Changes: Some bugfixes and feature enhancements were made.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Information Management
System :: Monitoring
N/A Other/Proprietary License Homepage Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 jbum 1.10
 by Bob Herrmann - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:49 PDT

About: jbum is an application (Webstart or jar) that takes a directory of images and turns them into a page of HTML. It generates thumbnails and supports rotating, reordering, captioning, spell-checking, and styling.

Changes: "Polariod-Flow" is now the default Layout. "Polariod-Flow" is basically a JavaScript program which does the photo layout dynamically. Mostly this allows the number of rows and columns of the page to be determined dynamically based on the browser's size. It even correctly handles resizing of the browser.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera
Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers
Major feature enhancements BSD License (revised) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 monotone 0.30
 by Nathaniel Smith - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:46 PDT

About: monotone is a distributed version control system with a flat peer model, cryptographic version naming, meta-data certificates, decentralized authority, and overlapping branches. It works out of a transactional version database stored in a regular file, and uses a custom network protocol for efficient database synchronization.

Changes: Many operations are much faster. Most notably, pulling is approximately twice as fast, operations that calculate branch heads ("heads", "update", "commit", ...) are much faster, and fixing a memory leak in Botan has made large checkout operations much faster as well. The output from "status", "annotate", and "pluck" has been improved. Conversion of changelog messages to UTF-8 now works correctly, and a few invariant violations have been fixed. Several improvements were made to the "automate" interface.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Version Control Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Simple Groupware 0.250
 by Thomas Bley - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:44 PDT

About: Simple Groupware is a complete groupware package. Unlike other groupwares, Simple Groupware contains a new programming language called sgsML, which was created to quickly create powerful Web applications.

Changes: Full support for synchronizing contacts over SyncML in combination with the Funambol Data Synchronization Server (former Sync4j) was added. The maximum lengths for usernames and groupnames were increased to 128 characters. The size of the CSS sheet was reduced by cleaning up the fonts. Missing translations were added for some modules. Displaying events crossing into the next day was fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Information Management
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 DBsight 1.3.2
 by Chris - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:44 PDT

About: DBSight is a J2EE search platform for rapidly developing search engines on any relational database, for both beginners and experts. It's scalable, easy to create, and fast to search. It features a built-in database crawler following user-defined SQL, incremental indexing, user-controllable result ranking, the ability to return results with highlights (like Google), and categorized result counts (like Amazon). It can easily integrate with a non-Java environment with XML/JSON. There is a UI for all operations, so no Java coding is necessary.

Changes: Analyzer is now consistent for query parsing and content indexing. MySQL crawling performance was greatly improved. Multi-server clustering mode was improved with faster transferring speed and write-ahead to ensure correctness. Index configuration files and template files can be downloaded and uploaded.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search
Major feature enhancements Free for non-commercial use Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 kvpnc 0.8.6
 by Crissi - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:41 PDT

About: KVpnc is a KDE frontend for various VPN clients. It supports Cisco VPN (vpnc) and IPSec (FreeS/WAN, racoon). vpnc is a replacement for the Cisco VPN client, and is used as client for the cisco3000 VPN Concentrator. FreeS/WAN (OpenS/WAN) is a IPSec client for Linux 2.4.x, and raccoon is a IPSec client for Linux 2.6.x and *BSD. It also supports PPTP (pptpclient) and OpenVPN.

Changes: This release mainly fixes bugs, but also adds some features.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: K Desktop Environment (KDE)
System :: Networking
Major bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Pybliographer 1.3.3 (Development)
 by Fred - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:39 PDT

About: Pybliographer is a tool for managing bibliographic databases. It supports several bibliography formats (BibTeX, Refer, Medline, ISI, Ovid) and can be used for searching, editing, reformatting, etc, through its nice graphical interface for GNOME. Due to its nature, it can be extended to many uses (generating HTML pages according to bibliographic searches, etc). It is provided with sample scripts.

Changes: This version adds support for querying external databases. So far, PubMed, Web of Science, and CrossRef are available. Transparent conversion between database formats is possible. Integration with OpenOffice.org and LyX was added, and many internal cleanups were done. The graphical user interface, available as pybliographic-0.2, offers a new editing widget, support for undo/redo, and a plugin infrastructure for batch modifications. The interface can now run on Windows.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Gnome
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 JGame 0.9
 by Boris van Schooten - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:37 PDT

About: JGame is a small high-level 2D game engine for producing games on a variety of platforms. It does a lot of the stuff you need for a game automatically, and "classic" type arcade games can be developed with a minimum of effort. It is based on sprites with automatic collision detection, and a tile-based background with easy sprite-tile interaction facilities. JGame games can easily be run as stand-alone applications or as applets, and can be scaled to any resolution.

Changes: A game class that handles a number of common game states and variables was added. Several standard game objects were added. Five new games were added, and two games were improved. Other changes are mouse support, a custom paint method in JGObject, some extra tile cid manipulation functionality, a simplified defineImage, an initialization progress bar and splash image, and various minor changes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Games/Entertainment :: Arcade
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries
Major feature enhancements BSD License (revised) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 PyGTK Shell 0.9.0
 by Felix Rabe - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:36 PDT

About: The PyGTK Shell is a framework that makes Python applications open to real-time programmatic intervention by users. It is just the right tool for Python programming control freaks.

Changes: The code was rewritten, and its structure has changed heavily. The old functionality has been mostly restored. distutils is now used to create the distributed packages. A module for editing XML was introduced.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: User Interfaces Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Metafox 0.8.12
 by Ondrej Jomb�k - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:33 PDT

About: Metafox is an enterprise Content Management System which uses a special template system. With that template system, you can easily create any Web site with a particular design and code characteristics. All content data are stored in a relational SQL database, and administration via the Web interface is easy, fast, and effective.

Changes: Newsletter and poll implementations were added. Server-side image resizing was implemented. Support for serving content through custom templates, such as RSS2, was added. Content inclusion from one article to another article was added. The administration interface was improved by splitting content to static pages and dynamic articles. This version works better with new versions of MySQL (such as 5.0), and has better support for the UTF-8 encoding. Long links submitted to the discussions are truncated. Several bugfixes and tiny improvements were made.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 libchipcard 2.9.1beta1 (Chipcard3)
 by aquamaniac - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:32 PDT

About: Libchipcard is a C/C++ framework for easy access to chipcards/smartcards via chip card terminals/readers. It uses the CTAPI library provided by the manufacturer of the reader and provides a filesystem on memory chip cards. It works under Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Windows, and has been tested with Towitoko and Kobil readers even in parallel.

Changes: This is the first beta release of Libchipcard3. The chipcard command and data structure handling has been moved from the server to the client. The remote driver code has been replaced by three operation modes: stand-alone, master, and slave. The chipcard3-tool now has an additional command which allows listening for changes on the server. The new IFD driver code now handles all supported kinds of IFD drivers (IFD2, IFD3, and CCID, both pre and post 1.1.0). Some important bugs have been fixed and the XML files have been cleaned up. "chipcardd3 init" now works as expected.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Hardware Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 JpGraph 1.20.5 (Stable)
 by Johan - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:28 PDT

About: JpGraph is an OO Graph drawing library for PHP 4.3.x and above. Highlights of the available features are: text, integer/linear, and log scales for both the X and Y axes; anti-aliasing of lines; color-gradient fills; support for GIF, JPG, and PNG formats; support for two Y axes, spider plots (a.k.a Web plots), pie-charts, lineplots, filled line plots, impulse plots, bar plots, error plots, and polar plots; Gantt charts; support for multiple plot types in one graph; intelligent autoscaling; and extensive documentation (150 pages).

Changes: Some rounding problems related to disply of labels were fixed. Handling of string types as values was improved. An uninitialized class instance in utilities was fixed. Rotating of background image was fixed. More minor fixes were made.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation
Software Development :: Libraries
Minor bugfixes Free for non-commercial use Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Xfprot 1.16
 by Tito - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:28 PDT

About: XFPROT is a graphical frontend for the F-Prot Antivirus for Linux Small Business Edition. It was based upon the XSTEP-3.5.1 library. Starting from version 0.20beta, it is based on the GTK+ 1.2 libraries. From version 1.0-rc2, it is also possible to use GTK+ 2.x libraries.

Changes: Support for GTK+ 1.2 libraries was dropped. Support for aterm, rxvt, and xfce's Terminal was added. Filename locale handling was improved. UTF8 handling in the GUI was improved. Scan path and report path text boxes are now editable. Xfprot now can read and write a configuration file with user-supplied default settings.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Utilities Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Karmen 0.6a
 by Johan Veenhuizen - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:26 PDT

About: Karmen is an easy-to-use window manager for X. It is designed to "just work". There is no configuration file, and no library dependencies other than Xlib. The input focus model is click-to-focus. It aims at ICCCM compliance.

Changes: The MIT license is now used. Meta-Shift-Tab cycles backward in the Windows menu. A bug that caused Karmen to ignore it when windows requested to be hidden or shown was fixed. Signal/event handling was improved. Problems with keyboard shortcuts and mouse buttons not working while Caps Lock, Num Lock and/or Scroll Lock are active were fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Window Managers Minor bugfixes MIT/X Consortium License Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on SourceForge.net

 PyFuzzyLib 0.1.4
 by nelson - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:21 PDT

About: PyFuzzyLib is a library which makes it easy to build inference engines in Python.

Changes: The documentation is more complete. Some minor bugs were fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Operating System :: Linux Distributions :: CD-Based
Documentation GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on SourceForge.net

 phpDIR browser 2.1
 by phpdir - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:17 PDT

About: phpDIR is an easy to use and install script that can list files and folders, including file upload/download. Installation only requires the configuration of 2 parameters. The whole package consists of a single file. The application also supports admin sessions to delete, rename, and chmod files or folders. Invisible files can be configured. Folders can be downloaded as archive files. There is no need for additional PHP modules on your Web server.

Changes: File editing in admin mode was implemented. File creation in admin mode was implemented. Displaying all files in admin mode was implemented. A tree view was implemented in admin and user mode (if configured). User upload was implemented (if configured). Wildcard support for hidden files was fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Zip Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Itzam 3.1.0
 by Scott Robert Ladd - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:17 PDT

About: Itzam is an embedded database engine that creates and manipulates files containing variable-length random access records. Information is referenced by a user-defined key value, and indexes may be combined with or separate from data. Higher level languages (C++, Python, and Java) implement more complex heuristics on top of the Itzam core functions.

Changes: Itzam now compiles with any completely standard ANSI/ISO C compiler. Static data was removed for compatibility with some embedded platforms.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Database :: Database Engines/Servers
Software Development :: Libraries
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Smb4k 0.7.3
 by Marc Hansen - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:15 PDT

About: Smb4K is a SMB and CIFS (Windows) share browser for KDE. It uses the Samba software suite to access the SMB and CIFS shares of the local network neighborhood. Its purpose is to provide a program that's easy to use and has as many features as possible.

Changes: This release fixes several minor bugs as well as the writing to system files under Ubuntu. Version 1.0.0 of the handbook, an updated README file, and a reintroduced Chinese Traditional (zh_TW) translation are included.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: K Desktop Environment (KDE) :: Themes KDE 3.x
System :: Filesystems
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 HTML Parser 2.0-20060923 (Integration Builds)
 by Derrick Oswald - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:01 PDT

About: HTML Parser is a Java library used to parse HTML in either a linear or nested fashion. Primarily used for transformation or extraction, it features filters, visitors, custom tags and easy to use JavaBeans. It is a fast, robust, and well-tested package.

Changes: the license has been changed to the CPL. Maven2 is now used as the build environment. Subversion is used for the source repository. A new Web site was created. <<tag> is now correctly parsed as text. A method to render the start of a tag in HTML was added. CssSelectorNodeFilter does not accept [attr|=val].

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries
Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML/XHTML
Major feature enhancements Common Public License Homepage Zip Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 brinance 4.03 (4.x)
 by LocoBurger - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 23:00 PDT

About: Brinance is a commandline financial planning and tracking program, hoping to be a functional replacement for something like GnuCash for those who prefer the command line. It does not have all the features of GnuCash, but it does have a few beyond being a checkbook register: scheduling transactions in the future, multiple accounts, recurring transactions, and a Perl module to allow just about any interface to the program to be easily written.

Changes: Recurring transactions were added, using a cron-like format. The file format was changed. Transfers were added.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Office/Business :: Financial
Initial freshmeat announcement GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 goblinhack 0.5
 by goblin hack - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 22:59 PDT

About: Goblin Hack is the world's first and probably last smooth-scrolling, ASCII-graphics-based, OpenGL accelerated, rogue-like dungeon game. The brave and noble warrior must navigate through random dungeons, picking up goodies and picking off baddies along the way. Quiver in fear at the ASCII fireball-breathing Dragons, Beholders, Vampires, and even the occasional Goblin.

Changes: More monsters were added, such as copperhead snake and nastier spirits. Pause and help screens were added. Exits are no longer next to doors. The difficulty is now a bit easier on lower levels. Snakes and dragons are less likely to appear on lower levels. Characters can now shoot through open doors.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Games/Entertainment Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on SourceForge.net

 KDE KBackup 0.5
 by Martin Koller - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 19:48 PDT

About: KBackup is a program that lets you back up any directories or files. It uses an easy-to-use directory tree to select the things to back up. The program was designed to be very simple to use so that it can be used by those who are not computer experts. The storage format is the well known tar format, compressed with bzip2 or gzip. It also includes German, French, Italian, and Russian translations for the user interface and English and German translations of the handbook.

Changes: This release adds systray functionality and a profile setting to define the file prefix.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: K Desktop Environment (KDE)
Desktop Environment :: Tools
System :: Archiving :: Backup
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Subscribe Ignore Rate

 GNOME Structured File Library 1.14.1
 by steinel - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 19:48 PDT

About: The GNOME Structured File Library is a utility library for reading and writing structured file formats. Support for MS OLE2 streams is complete, as is zip import. There is also support for document metadata and some initial work on decompressing VBA streams in OLE files for future conversion to other languages. This library replaces libole2 and is used in gnumeric, mrproject, abiword, libwv2, koffice. It is also part of the AAF format.

Changes: The ODF support in the thumbnailer's schema has been enabled. Handling of transparent backgrounds in ODF thumbnails has been fixed. Handling of default namespaces in libxml sax wrappers has been fixed. This release handles odd OLE2 files from palmcalc. --mandir=... works. A crash on parsing completely empty XML is avoided. This release crudely avoids producing invalid XML by dropping certain control characters on the floor.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Gnome
Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet
Major bugfixes GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 wbmclamav 0.7.2
 by Emmanuel Saracco - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 19:47 PDT

About: wbmclamav is a webmin module to manage Clam Antivirus (ClamAV).

Changes: A bug with empty sender email headers has been fixed. Some basic SpamAssassin learning support using "sa-learn" if available has been added. Search results pagination mode has been updated to be more suitable for large quarantines. A permissions problem on an executable script has been fixed. A very basic script has been added to simulate the gunzip command, but without returning an error if files are not gzipped. A problem with command arguments detection in the remote control section has been fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Systems Administration Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Tellico 1.2.3
 by Robby Stephenson - Sun, Sep 24th 2006 19:45 PDT

About: Tellico is a collection manager for KDE. It includes default collections for books, bibliographies, comic books, videos, music, video games, coins, stamps, trading cards, and wines, and also allows custom collections. Unlimited user-defined fields are allowed. Filters are available to limit the visible entries by definable criteria. Full customization for printing is possible through editing the default XSLT file. It can import CSV, Bibtex, Bibtexml, RIS, MODS, CDDB, and audio file metadata and exports CSV, HTML, Bibtex, Bibtexml, ONIX, and PilotDB. Entries may be imported directly from Amazon.com, imdb.com, any z39.50 bibliographic server, PubMed, or an external script.

Changes: The HTML export was fixed to properly copy all included files, and to use relative links. The Internet search can now retrieve additional results beyond the first batch, and some focus/UI issues with the CSV importer were fixed. The minimum KDE version was lowered to 3.3.1.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Information Management
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

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- SuSE: New openssl, mozilla-nss packages fix RSA signature evasion (Sep 22nd)
- SuSE: New Mozilla packages fix remote code execution (Sep 22nd)
- SuSE: New flash-player packages fix local code execution (Sep 22nd)

1. MPlayer 100.00%
2. Linux 81.01%
3. cdrtools 66.34%
4. gcc 56.01%
5. PHP 55.30%
6. TightVNC 54.34%
7. VLC 54.01%
8. Apache 52.40%
9. MySQL 50.00%
10. Gaim 48.10%


- Partner And Circuit Tracking (PACT) 1.1.1

- jbum 1.10
- monotone 0.30
- Simple Groupware 0.250
- DBsight 1.3.2
- kvpnc 0.8.6
- Pybliographer 1.3.3 (Development)
- JGame 0.9
- PyGTK Shell 0.9.0
- Metafox 0.8.12
- libchipcard 2.9.1beta1 (Chipcard3)
- JpGraph 1.20.5 (Stable)
- Xfprot 1.16
- Karmen 0.6a
- PyFuzzyLib 0.1.4
- phpDIR browser 2.1
- Itzam 3.1.0
- Smb4k 0.7.3
- HTML Parser 2.0-20060923 (Integration Builds)
- brinance 4.03 (4.x)
- goblinhack 0.5
- KDE KBackup 0.5
- GNOME Structured File Library 1.14.1
- wbmclamav 0.7.2
- Tellico 1.2.3 «
- GAMGI 0.12
- simplus 0.8.2
- Mock Objects for C++ 1.14
- Open Administration for Schools 2.05
- QGnokii 0.4.1
- SpugSpam 1.2
- eXcavator 1.0.3
- GNU gengetopt 2.18
- YouGrabber 0.9b
- gtkpod 0.99.8
- Privoxy 3.0.5-Beta (Stable)
- gnome-yum 0.1.4
- rdup 0.2.17
- The Bazaar VCS 0.11rc1
- HTML Purifier 1.1.1
- Layer-7 Packet Classifier for Linux 2006-09-24 (Pattern Definitions)
- Linux Cluster Manager 2.54-1
- FullRecall 1.2.25
- Bashish 2.0.7
- WxLib 0.31
- pymssql 0.8.0
- PyRPM 0.59
- Ultimate++ 609-dev3 (Development)
- akk@da 0.70
- yruba 2.6
- Cobex 0.2.11
- FuseIso 20060923
- LinuxBIOS 2-2432
- speed 0.2
- Buddi 1.7.8 (Development)
- J-Pilot 0.99.9
- Lucas_Dambergs 0.9
- spidermonkey-dotnet 0.1.4
- GNOME Sudoku 0.6.1
- gnormalize 0.51
- NewsBro 2.4.0
- Music Player Daemon 0.12.0
- BMP 0.30.0
- Paludis 0.6.5
- GKsu 2.0.0
- Pauker 1.7.2
- LibGKSu 2.0.0 (Stable)
- Current 1.7.6 (Development)
- di 4.7
- Mesk 0.2.1
- RechnungsZentrale V2 1.1.6
- lighttpd 1.4.12
- gscan2pdf 0.7
- State Machine Compiler 4.3.3
- wzdftpd 0.8.0
- PasTmon 0.10-0 (Beta)
- namefix.pl 4.0 RC1
- DeVeDe 2.4
- LedgerSMB 1.1.1
- Libc-X 0.4
- gnome-python 2.16.0 (GTK 2.0)
- PyGTK 2.10.1 (GTK+ 2.x)
- cpufreq daemon 2.2.0
- mpop 1.0.3
- JGAP 3.01
- ClamTk 2.24
- LLnextgen 0.3.3
- oSync 0.6.3 RC1
- Universal Password Manager 1.3
- P4A 1.99.8 (Development)
- Gambas 1.9.43 (Development)
- aria2 0.8.0
- fluxus 0.11

- Nuapp 0.2
- K7Z 0.2.5
- mod_domaintree 1.4
- phpFreeChat 1.0-beta6
- Nulog 1.1.9
- Tntnet 1.5.3
- SQLiteJDBC 023
- eSpeak 1.14
- avidemux 2.3.0 Preview1 (Development)
- Klear 0.6.0-alpha1
- Ekiga 2.0.3
- libcaca 0.99.beta5 (Development)
- p7zip 4.43
- Nabaztag Cruise Control plugin 1.0

- cryptmount 1.1.1
- lxDVDshrink 0.2
- Rogue Detect 0.4-Alpha1
- pilot-link 0.12.1
- Redet 8.17
- GeSHi (Stable)
- Python Sudoku 0.12.4
- audit daemon 1.2.7
- sYnergy Groupware 3.0.7
- Pf 1
- OpenHPI 2.6.2 (Stable)
- OpenHPI SNMP Subagent 2.3.4
- CAELinux Beta 3a (VMWare edition)
- ZDT 0.5.2
- Mumble 0.9.3
- Vi Input Manager 0.0
- ASFS filesystem driver 1.0beta11 (Kernel-2.6)
- Perl Pop3 1.0.1
- py-libmpdclient2 1.0
- spsim 1.0
- speed 0.1
- YAPHPO 0.9
- Zmanda Recovery Manager for MySQL 1.0.3
- BeleniX 0.5
- YAZ 2.1.32
- phpUserTrack 0.5.2
- Tahchee 0.9.8
- Sax Filter 1.3
- granule 1.2.2
- Internet DJ Console 0.6.7
- REDLisp 0.50g
- libvirt 0.1.6
- GOBLIN Graph Library 2.8b6
- Untahris Common Playground 1.0.1b
- Net::DRI 0.40
- white_dune 0.29beta434 (Development)
- Cite 1.2 rev5
- Thin Upload Pro 1.04
- OS-SIM 0.9.9rc3
- NorfelloCMMS OS 1.0.0 rc4
- a2png 0.1.2
- Web-Analiser PRO 2.80
- Systems Panel 2.0.0
- i-Pyme 2.0
- Jmol 10.9.61 (Development)
- YXA 2006-09-22 (Development)
- CakePHP
- CharEntry 1.1
- Sipbomber 0.8
- SPF Sendmail milter 2.0.1
- Network Security Analysis Tool 1.5-ia64
- AgileWiki
- Conectayas 0.16a
- Opera 9.02
- Terminal ScreenSaver 0.8.1
- sawdog 2.4 (Stable)
- Blue Smiley Organizer 4.20
- OpenCT 0.6.9
- JChemPaint 2.3.0 (Development)
- Information Currency Web Services 0.2.2
- eZ publish 3.8.4 (Stable)
- Apache AntUnit 1.0 Beta 1
- kinemeplugins 0.2
- media hive 0.8.7
- OpenTranscribe 0.1
- Statfink 0.8.2
- Sylpheed 2.2.8 (Stable)
- Open Source Requirements Management Tool 1.2.2
- SiSU 0.47.2
- RasmusDSP 0.1pre1
- JOLIE 0.2 beta1
- TransferCM 1.2
- Lost Labyrinth 2.7.5
- APL 0.1.8

- Arabica September2006 rel 3
- cdrdao & GCDMaster 1.2.2
- The Mango Library September2006
- ClarkConnect Internet Gateway 4.0
- JCards 6.0 beta 2 (Desktop Version)
- youtube-dl 2006.09.21
- pornotube-dl 2006.09.21
- metacafe-dl 2006.09.21
- sharehound 1.1.7 alpha
- WikyBlog 1.2.1
- UDoc 1.002
- Project-based Calendaring System 0.7.0a
- Zoph 0.6
- Common UNIX Printing System 1.2.4
- metaf2xml 1.14
- GNU Transport Layer Security Library 1.5.1 (Development)
- libcdorganizer 1.0.0
- Fast Genetic Algorithm snapshot-20060917
- Cimbiote 0.5-2


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