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Composite image of the central region of Orion
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NASA studies the universe from the smallest particles of matter and energy to the biggest questions of the evolution and structure of the cosmos.

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Unraveling the Mystery of Super-Earths

Unraveling the Mystery of Super-Earths

Super-Earths may be our best bet for finding life beyond our own solar system.

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NASA's Swift Spies Comet Lulin

Swift image of comet Lulin taken Jan. 28

While waiting for high-energy outbursts and cosmic explosions, NASA's Swift Gamma-ray Explorer satellite is monitoring Comet Lulin as it closes on Earth.

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New Recipes for Dwarf Galaxies: Start With Leftover Gas

dwarf galaxies forming

There is more than one way to make a dwarf galaxy, and NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer has found a new recipe.

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