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    artist concept of Orbiting Carbon Observatory

    NASA Names Chairman for Investigation
    02.25.09 -- NASA's Rick Obenschain, deputy director at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., will lead the investigation board for the unsuccessful launch of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory on Feb. 24.
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    NASA's Launch of Carbon-Seeking Satellite Is Unsuccessful
    02.24.09 -- NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory satellite failed to reach orbit after its 4:55 a.m. EST liftoff Tuesday from California's Vandenberg Air Force Base.
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Orbiting Carbon Observatory at Launch

The Orbiting Carbon Observatory at lift-off. A few minutes later, a contingency was declared.

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Artist Concept (2)

artist concept of Orbiting Carbon Observatory

This is an artist's concept of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory.

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    Keeling Curve

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  • artist concept to visualize carbon dioxide brought by cars

    Human-Generated Carbon

    Every year human activity is responsible for releasing approximately eight billion metric tons of carbon into the atmosphere.

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