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Langley Highlights

The Quest: A Silent, Carbonless Airplane

Blended wing body aircraft, artist's concept

It's a simple goal, really. A silent airplane that sends no carbon into the atmosphere.

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Testing Orion in a World Class Facility

Ares model in the NTF.

Langley's National Transonic Facility has been used for investigating models of the space shuttle, the blended-wing body aircraft, a C-17 cargo plane and even a submarine. Now it's being used for the ...

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To the Extreme: NASA Tests Heat Shield Materials

AVCOAT tested in an environmental chamber at NASA Langley

NASA is pulling together to make sure that the Orion crew vehicles will protect their crews from the extremes of spaceflight.

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Special Feature

The Road to Apollo

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin stands on the Moon

"...There was no aspect of the Apollo mission that scientists, engineers and technicians at NASA's Langley Research Center had not helped to develop in one way or another." - Historian James R. Hansen

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