%0 Thesis %D 2016 %T A deductive verification tool for cryptographic software %A VĂ­tor Pereira %C Braga, Portugal %I Universidade do Minho-Escola de Engenharia %V Master %X

Security is notoriously diffcult to sell as a feature in software products. In addition to meeting a set
of security requirements, cryptographic software has to be cheap, fast, and use little resources. The
development of cryptographic software is an area with specific needs in terms of software development
processes and tools. In this thesis we explore how formal techniques, namely deductive verification
techniques, can be used to increase the guarantees that cryptographic software implementations indeed
work as prescribed.
CAO (C and OCCAM) is a programming language specific to the domain of Cryptography. Con-
trol structures are similar to C, but it incorporates data types that deal directly with the needs of a
programmer when translating specifications of cryptographic schemes (eg, from scientific papers or
standards) to the real world. CAO language is supported by a compiler and an interpreter developed
by HASLab, in a sequence of research and development projects.
The CAOVerif tool was designed to allow deductive verification programs written in CAO. This
tool follows the same paradigm as other tools available for high level programming languages, such
as Frama-C, according to which a CAO program annotated with a specification is converted in an
input program to the Jessie/Why3 tool-chain, where the specified properties are then analysed.
After the development of CAOVerif, a new tool, specific to the domain of Cryptography - named
EasyCrypt - was developed. The objective of this project is to evaluate EasyCrypt as a potential
backend for the CAOVerif tool, through the development of a prototype that demonstrates the advan-
tages and disadvantages of this solution.



%8 January %9 Master dissertation-Master Degree in Computing Engineering %> https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/vm2p/files/vitor_pereira_dissertation.pdf