// $Id: dirtyforms.js,v 2009/04/20 12:24:44 markuspetrux Exp $ /** * @file * Check forms before users leave the page, warning them if they are about * to loose changes and providing an option to remain on the page. * * The following element types are processed (unless they are excluded): * - Form elements of type text, password, textarea, select, radio, checkbox * and hidden. * * The following elements are excluded from processing: * - Forms and form elements that have the CSS class 'dirtyforms-exclude'. * - Forms with no id attribute. * - Form elements with no name attribute, because are considered client-side * elements (ie. these elements are not sent to the server). * - Form elements of type submit, button, reset, image and file. * * Forms and form elements added or removed dynamically, if not excluded by any * of the above mentioned rules, are considered dirty. * * @TODO: Rebuild the state of saved forms that are submitted dynamically, or * explore how ajax forms are affected and/or affect dirty state checking. */ /** * Install the Drupal behavior. */ Drupal.behaviors.dirtyForms = function(context) { if (!Drupal.onBeforeUnload.callbackExists('dirtyforms')) { // Install our onBeforeUnload callback. Drupal.onBeforeUnload.addCallback('dirtyforms', Drupal.dirtyForms._onBeforeUnload); // Troubleshooting... if (Drupal.settings.dirtyForms.troubleshooting.alerts) { Drupal.dirtyForms._alert = function(message) { alert(message) }; } // Save state of all non-excluded forms in the document. Drupal.dirtyForms.saveState(context); } }; /** * Create dirtyForms object. * * Private properties and methods are prefixed with an underscore. */ Drupal.dirtyForms = Drupal.dirtyForms || { warning: Drupal.t('Your changes will be lost if you leave this page now.'), isSubmitted: false, _alert: null, _excludedElementTypes: ['submit', 'button', 'reset', 'image', 'file'], _savedElements: {}, _wysiwyg: {} }; /** * Save the state of the given form. */ Drupal.dirtyForms.isDirty = function() { var currentForms = this._getForms(); for (var formId in currentForms) { // Check whether this form was present when state was saved. if (this._savedElements[formId] == undefined) { if (typeof this._alert == 'function') { this._alert('The form "'+ formId +'" was not processed initially.'); } return true; } } for (var formId in this._savedElements) { // Check whether this form is not present in the document. if (currentForms[formId] == undefined) { if (typeof this._alert == 'function') { this._alert('Could not find processed form "'+ formId +'"'); } return true; } // Now let's compare element values. var currentElements = this._getElements(currentForms[formId]); var savedElements = this._savedElements[formId]; //this._alert('currentElements['+ formId +']: "'+ currentElements.toSource()); //this._alert('savedElements['+ formId +']: "'+ savedElements.toSource()); for (var elementId in savedElements) { // Check whether a saved element still exists in the form. if (!currentElements.hasOwnProperty(elementId)) { if (typeof this._alert == 'function') { this._alert('Could not find the element "'+ elementId +'" in the form "'+ formId +'"'); } return true; } // Check whether the value of the element has been changed. if (this._isElementChanged(currentElements[elementId], savedElements[elementId])) { if (typeof this._alert == 'function') { this._alert('The element "'+ elementId +'" in the form "'+ formId +'" has been changed.\n\nSaved value: '+ savedElements[elementId].value +'\n\nCurrent value: '+ currentElements[elementId].value); } return true; } } for (var elementId in currentElements) { // Check whether a new element was not present in the original form. if (!savedElements.hasOwnProperty(elementId)) { if (typeof this._alert == 'function') { this._alert('The element "'+ elementId +'" in the form "'+ formId +'" was not processed initially.'); } return true; } } } return false; }; /** * Save state of all non-excluded forms in the given context. */ Drupal.dirtyForms.saveState = function(context) { var forms = this._getForms(context); for (var formId in forms) { this.addForm(forms[formId]); } }; /** * Clear the state of all processed forms in the given context. */ Drupal.dirtyForms.clearState = function(context) { var forms = this._getForms(context); for (var formId in forms) { this.removeForm(forms[formId]); } this._savedElements = {}; }; /** * Add a form to the dirtyForms collection. */ Drupal.dirtyForms.addForm = function(form) { var formId = form.id; // Attach a dirtyForms object to the form (if not already present). if (form._dirtyForms == undefined) { form._dirtyForms = { // Save the previous onSubmit handler of the form. previousOnSubmit: form.onsubmit, // This attribute allows us to identify the form in the future. formId: formId }; // Bind our onSubmit handler to the form. form.onsubmit = Drupal.dirtyForms._onSubmit; } // Add or replace the form to the savedElements collection. this._savedElements[formId] = this._getElements(form); }; /** * Remove a form from the dirtyForms collection. */ Drupal.dirtyForms.removeForm = function(form) { // Ignore unprocessed forms. if (typeof form._dirtyForms == 'object') { var formId = form._dirtyForms.formId; if (typeof this._savedElements[formId] == 'object') { // Destroy the savedElements collection for this form. delete this._savedElements[formId]; // Restore the previous onSubmit handler of the form. form.onsubmit = form._dirtyForms.previousOnSubmit; // Destroy the dirtyForms object on the form. delete form._dirtyForms; } } }; /** * onBeforeUnload callback. */ Drupal.dirtyForms._onBeforeUnload = function() { var self = Drupal.dirtyForms; if (!self.isSubmitted && self.isDirty()) { return self.warning; } }; /** * onSubmit handler for processed forms. */ Drupal.dirtyForms._onSubmit = function(event) { Drupal.dirtyForms.isSubmitted = true; if (typeof this._dirtyForms.previousOnSubmit == 'function') { return this._dirtyForms.previousOnSubmit(event); } return true; }; /** * Get a list of forms in the given context. */ Drupal.dirtyForms._getForms = function(context) { var forms = {}; context = context || document; $('form:not(.dirtyforms-exclude)', context).each(function() { var form = this; // All Drupal forms should have an ID, so exclude those that do not. if (typeof form.id == 'string' && form.id.length > 0) { forms[form.id] = form; } }); return forms; }; /** * Get a list of form elements and their values. */ Drupal.dirtyForms._getElements = function(form) { var elements = {}; for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { var element = form.elements[i]; // Exclude nameless elements (considered client-side only). if (typeof element.name != 'string' || element.name.length <= 0) { continue; } // Also, exclude elements that do not have an ID. if (typeof element.id != 'string' || element.id.length <= 0) { continue; } // Exclude certain types of form elements. if ($.inArray(element.type, this._excludedElementTypes) >= 0) { continue; } // Exclude elements by CSS class. if ($(element).hasClass('dirtyforms-exclude')) { continue; } elements[element.id] = { id: element.id, name: element.name, type: element.type, value: this._getElementValue(element) }; } return elements; }; /** * Get the value of a form element. */ Drupal.dirtyForms._getElementValue = function(element) { switch (element.type) { case 'checkbox': return (element.checked ? element.value : null); case 'radio': var radio = element.form.elements[element.name]; for (var i = 0; i < radio.length; i++) { if (radio[i].checked) { return radio[i].value; } } return null; case 'textarea': var wysiwygInfo = this._wysiwyg.isEditor(element); return (wysiwygInfo ? this._wysiwyg.getContents(wysiwygInfo) : element.value); } return element.value; }; /** * Compare an element against its saved version. */ Drupal.dirtyForms._isElementChanged = function(currentElement, savedElement) { return (currentElement.value != savedElement.value); }; /** * Find out if the element is a WYSIWYG Textarea. * * @todo: Add support for more editors. Please, give me links to APIs. Thanks! ;-) * * @link http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:API/tinymce.EditorManager/get * @link http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:API/tinymce.Editor * @link http://docs.fckeditor.net/FCKeditor_2.x/Developers_Guide/JavaScript_API * @link http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.html * @link http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/YAHOO.widget.SimpleEditor.html */ Drupal.dirtyForms._wysiwyg.isEditor = function(element) { var editor; if (typeof tinyMCE == 'object' && typeof tinyMCE.get == 'function') { if ((editor = tinyMCE.get(element.id)) && typeof editor.getContent == 'function') { return {type: 'TinyMCE', editor: editor, element: element}; } } if (typeof FCKeditorAPI == 'object' && typeof FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance == 'function') { if ((editor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance(element.id)) && typeof editor.GetData == 'function') { return {type: 'FCKeditor', editor: editor, element: element}; } } if (typeof YAHOO == 'object' && typeof YAHOO.widget == 'object' && typeof YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo == 'object' && typeof YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.getEditorById == 'function') { if ((editor = YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.getEditorById(element.id)) && typeof editor.saveHTML == 'function') { return {type: 'yui', editor: editor, element: element}; } } return false; }; /** * Get the contents of a WYSIWYG Textarea. */ Drupal.dirtyForms._wysiwyg.getContents = function(wysiwygInfo) { if (wysiwygInfo.type == 'TinyMCE') { return wysiwygInfo.editor.getContent(); } else if (wysiwygInfo.type == 'FCKeditor') { return wysiwygInfo.editor.GetData(); } else if (wysiwygInfo.type == 'yui') { // Cleans the HTML with the cleanHTML method then places that string // back into the textarea. wysiwygInfo.editor.saveHTML(); } return wysiwygInfo.element.value; };