// $Id: dialog.js,v 2010/02/23 02:52:42 rz Exp $ /** * @file * * Display ajax content in a Dialog window. * * This javascript relies on the CTools ajax responder and jQueryUI Dialog. */ (function ($) { // Make sure our objects are defined. Drupal.CTools = Drupal.CTools || {}; Drupal.Dialog = Drupal.Dialog || {}; /** * Display the modal */ Drupal.Dialog.show = function() { if (!Drupal.Dialog.dialog) { var o = {modal: true, width: 600, position: 'center'}; Drupal.Dialog.dialog = $(Drupal.theme('DialogMain')).dialog(o); // Completely remove the dialog every time it is closed. This is the // simplest way to get a clean slate on every dialog invokation. Drupal.Dialog.dialog.bind('dialogclose', function(event, ui) { $(this).remove(); Drupal.Dialog.dialog = null; }); } Drupal.CTools.AJAX.commands.dialog_loading(); }; /** * Hide the modal */ Drupal.Dialog.dismiss = function() { if (Drupal.Dialog.dialog) { Drupal.Dialog.dialog.dialog('close'); } }; /** * Provide the HTML to create the modal dialog. */ Drupal.theme.prototype.DialogMain = function () { var html = '
'; return html; } /** * Provide the HTML to create the throbber. */ Drupal.theme.prototype.DialogThrobber = function () { var html = ''; html += ' '; return html; }; /** * Generic replacement click handler to open the modal with the destination * specified by the href of the link. */ Drupal.Dialog.clickAjaxLink = function() { // show the empty dialog right away. Drupal.Dialog.show(); Drupal.CTools.AJAX.clickAJAXLink.apply(this); if (!$(this).hasClass('ctools-ajaxing')) { Drupal.Dialog.dismiss(); } return false; }; /** * Generic replacement click handler to open the modal with the destination * specified by the href of the link. */ Drupal.Dialog.clickAjaxButton = function() { if ($(this).hasClass('ctools-ajaxing')) { return false; } Drupal.Dialog.show(); Drupal.CTools.AJAX.clickAJAXButton.apply(this); if (!$(this).hasClass('ctools-ajaxing')) { Drupal.Dialog.dismiss(); } return false; }; /** * Submit responder to do an AJAX submit on all modal forms. */ Drupal.Dialog.submitAjaxForm = function() { if ($(this).hasClass('ctools-ajaxing')) { return false; } url = $(this).attr('action'); $(this).addClass('ctools-ajaxing'); var object = $(this); try { url.replace('/nojs/', '/ajax/'); var ajaxOptions = { type: 'POST', url: url, data: '', global: true, success: Drupal.CTools.AJAX.respond, error: function() { alert("An error occurred while attempting to process " + url); }, complete: function() { object.removeClass('ctools-ajaxing'); $('.ctools-ajaxing', object).removeClass('ctools-ajaxing'); }, dataType: 'json' }; // If the form requires uploads, use an iframe instead and add data to // the submit to support this and use the proper response. if ($(this).attr('enctype') == 'multipart/form-data') { $(this).append(''); ajaxIframeOptions = { success: Drupal.CTools.AJAX.iFrameJsonRespond, iframe: true }; ajaxOptions = $.extend(ajaxOptions, ajaxIframeOptions); } $(this).ajaxSubmit(ajaxOptions); } catch (err) { alert("An error occurred while attempting to process " + url); $(this).removeClass('ctools-ajaxing'); $('div.ctools-ajaxing', this).remove(); return false; } return false; }; /** * Handle a form button being clicked inside of a dialog. */ Drupal.Dialog.clickFormButton = function() { if (Drupal.autocompleteSubmit && !Drupal.autocompleteSubmit()) { return false; } // Make sure it knows our button. if (!$(this.form).hasClass('ctools-ajaxing')) { this.form.clk = this; $(this).after('
'); // Submit the form. Notice the difference between $().submit() // which is the ajax submit and form.submit() which is the // default browser submit. $(this.form).submit(); } return false; }; /** * Bind links that will open modals to the appropriate function. */ Drupal.behaviors.Dialog = function(context) { // Bind links $('a.ctools-use-dialog:not(.ctools-use-dialog-processed)', context) .addClass('ctools-use-dialog-processed') .click(Drupal.Dialog.clickAjaxLink); // Bind buttons $('input.ctools-use-dialog:not(.ctools-use-dialog-processed), button.ctools-use-dialog:not(.ctools-use-dialog-processed)', context) .addClass('ctools-use-dialog-processed') .click(Drupal.Dialog.clickAjaxButton); if ($(context).attr('id') == 'dialog-main') { // Bind submit links in the modal form. $('form:not(.ctools-use-dialog-processed)', context) .addClass('ctools-use-dialog-processed') .submit(Drupal.Dialog.submitAjaxForm); // add click handlers so that we can tell which button was clicked, // because the AJAX submit does not set the values properly. $('input[type="submit"]:not(.ctools-use-dialog-processed), button:not(.ctools-use-dialog-processed)', context) .addClass('ctools-use-dialog-processed') .click(Drupal.Dialog.clickFormButton); var buttons = {}, buttonsMap = {}; $('.ctools-dialog-button:not(.ctools-dialog-button-processed)', context) .addClass('ctools-dialog-button-processed') .hide() .each(function() { var text = $(this).is('input') ? $(this).attr('value') : $(this).text(); buttonsMap[text] = this; buttons[text] = function(e) { var text = $(e.target).text(); var map = $(this).data('dialogButtonsMap'); var button = map[text]; $(button).click(); }; }); $(context).data('dialogButtonsMap', buttonsMap); $(context).dialog('option', 'buttons', buttons); } }; // The following are implementations of AJAX responder commands. /** * AJAX responder command to place HTML within the modal. */ Drupal.CTools.AJAX.commands.dialog_display = function(command) { var $el = Drupal.Dialog.dialog; $el.html(command.output) // remove any previously added buttons .dialog('option', 'buttons', {}) .dialog('option', 'title', command.title) .dialog('show'); var defaultOptions = { height: 'auto', width: 600, position: 'center', maxHeight: Math.floor($(window).height() * .8) }; var o = $.extend(defaultOptions, command.options); for (i in o) { $el.dialog('option', i, o[i]); } if ($el.height() > o.maxHeight) { $el.dialog('option', 'height', o.maxHeight); $el.dialog('option', 'position', o.position); // This is really ugly, but dialog gives us no way to call // _size() in a sane way! $el.data('dialog')._size(); } Drupal.attachBehaviors($el); } /** * AJAX responder command to dismiss the modal. */ Drupal.CTools.AJAX.commands.dialog_dismiss = function(command) { Drupal.Dialog.dismiss(); } /** * Display loading */ Drupal.CTools.AJAX.commands.dialog_loading = function(command) { Drupal.CTools.AJAX.commands.dialog_display({ output: Drupal.theme('DialogThrobber'), title: Drupal.t('Loading...') }); } })(jQuery);