@conference {vcp+13, title = {An Effective Scalable SQL Engine for NoSQL Databases}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th IFIP Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS)}, series = {LNCS}, year = {2013}, month = {June}, publisher = {IFIP}, organization = {IFIP}, address = {Florence, Italy}, abstract = {

NoSQL databases were initially devised to support a few concrete extreme scale applications. Since the specificity and scale of the target systems justified the investment of manually crafting application code their limited query and indexing capabilities were not a major im- pediment. However, with a considerable number of mature alternatives now available there is an increasing willingness to use NoSQL databases in a wider and more diverse spectrum of applications and, to most of them, hand-crafted query code is not an enticing trade-off. In this paper we address this shortcoming of current NoSQL databases with an effective approach for executing SQL queries while preserving their scalability and schema flexibility. We show how a full-fledged SQL engine can be integrated atop of HBase leading to an ANSI SQL compli- ant database. Under a standard TPC-C workload our prototype scales linearly with the number of nodes in the system and outperforms a NoSQL TPC-C implementation optimized for HBase.

}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-38541-4_12}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/rco/files/paper_29.pdf}, author = {Ricardo Vila{\c c}a and Francisco Cruz and Jos{\'e} Orlando Pereira and Rui Oliveira} }