@conference {pmb+12, title = {CumuloNimbo: Parallel-Distributed Transactional Processing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the CloudFutures Workshop}, year = {2012}, month = {May}, publisher = {Microsoft}, organization = {Microsoft}, address = {Berkeley, California, EUA}, abstract = {

CumuloNimbo aims at solving the lack of scalability of transactional applications that represent a large fraction of existing applications. CumuloNimbo aims at conceiving, architecting and developing a transactional, coherent, elastic and ultra scalable Platform as a Service. Its goals are: Ultra scalable and dependable, able to scale from a few users to many millions of users while at the same time providing continuous availability; Support transparent migration of multi-tier applications (e.g. Java EE applications, relational DB applications, etc.) to the cloud with automatic scalability and elasticity. Avoid reprogramming of applications and non-transparent scalability techniques such as sharding. Support transactions for new data stores such as cloud data stores, graph databases, etc.The main challenges are: Update ultrascalability (million update transactions per second and as many read-only transactions as needed). Strong transactional consistency. Non-intrusive elasticity. Inexpensive high availability. Low latency. CumuloNimbo goes beyond the state of the art by scaling transparently transactional applications to very large rates without sharding, the current practice in Today?s cloud. In this paper we describe CumuloNimbo architecture and its performance.

}, attachments = {https://haslab.uminho.pt/sites/default/files/rco/files/cumulonimbo-ultra-scalable-transactional-processing-v6.pdf}, author = {Ricardo Jimenez-Peris and Marta Pati{\~n}o-Mart{\'\i}nez and Iv{\'a}n Brondino and Jos{\'e} Orlando Pereira and Rui Oliveira and Ricardo Vila{\c c}a and Bettina Kemme and Yousuf Ahmad} }